Chapter 38
Ezra, lying weakly on the small bed, let Jameson put him on an anti-allergic drip.
After that, he felt increasingly sleepy and fell asleep accidentally.
When William entered the room, Ezra was lying on the bed, put on a drip, looking quite pitiful.
Feeling nervous, William hurriedly went up to Ezra with big strides.
He asked, “What’s going on? Why does he suddenly have a fever?”
“William, take it easy. I’ve found the reason, but I think it’s complicated. Someone fed Luci ginger,” Jameson replied.
“What?” William said with a cold face, unable to hide the trace of shock in his eyes.
Someone fed his son ginger under his nose?
The person must be tired of living!
“You didn’t mishear it. I think you should make a thorough investigation into this. Luci has been allergic to ginger since he was a baby. Everyone in the Kinsman family, even including the female cleaner, knows that. However, Luci has an allergy because of ginger at this moment!” Jameson said seriously, which was rare.
Over the years, Jameson had watched Luci grow up gradually, and had dealt with all kinds of health problems the kid had ever had. For him, Luci was a professional work of art even more important than his own son!
He was extremely displeased that someone dared to hurt Luci!
“I’ll find out the culprit. Take good care of Luci. Inform me as soon as he wakes up!” William said.
“Okay, Luci missed you before he fell asleep. He presumably felt uncomfortable and wanted you to accompany him,” Jameson said casually, but his words stirred up William’s feelings.
The first time he discovered that Luci had an allergy was when Luci was more than one year old.
Back then, the little guy had just begun to eat normal food, but suddenly had a fever.
William was panic-stricken and extremely worried, even at a loss what to do.
It was Gianna who had accompanied him and Luci.
At that time, he was very grateful to her, thinking that Luci could only grow up safely with her around.

But now it seemed that Luci didn’t like Gianna and was even a little afraid of her. Moreover, in the past two years, Luci had several accidental allergies.
How did Luci get through all this?
Every time Luci had an allergy, he had a fever and a sore throat, and felt uncomfortable all over.
He was miserable and pitiful and his face turned pale during this time.
However, he just sent Gianna, whom Luci was afraid of and had an aversion to, to accompany Luci! Every time he heard from Gianna that Luci was fine and had fallen asleep and he should not disturb Luci, he put his mind at ease.
William couldn’t imagine how sad Luci, who could not speak at that time, had been and how many grievances Luci had swallowed silently.
As Luci’s father, he was too careless!
A surge of guilt and self-blame made him feel as if he was breathing in pain.
After receiving an internal call, the butler Ivan appeared in front of William in the living room as fast as he could.
“Ivan, do you know there is ginger in the house recently?” William asked.
“Ginger? How could it be possible? Young Mr. Kinsman is allergic to ginger, which makes ginger prohibited in the Kinsman family! Ah, Mr. Kinsman, do you mean that young Mr. Kinsman has a fever because he is allergic?” Ivan replied.
Realizing what William meant, he immediately became nervous.
Who dared to hurt young Mr. Kinsman who was treasured like a jewel of inestimable value in the Kinsman family?
“Yes, Ivan, so please find out how Luci was fed with ginger and who brought it here. I want to get the result within an hour.” William said.
“Rest assured, Mr. Kinsman. I’m going to make an investigation right away. The person, who dared to hurt young Mr. Kinsman in our house, is probably tired of living!” Ivan said furiously. After excusing himself, he immediately led some serv ants to make an investigation
Then William, who sat with his legs crossed, stood up and intended to go to Luci’s room to check on him.
Chapter 38
At this time, Marshall came back from outside in a great hurry and said, “Mr. Kinsman, I have checked the car in Valenfield Street, finding that someone had tampered with it, which caused the explosion. The scene of the accident was catastrophic, but according to the latest news I got, there were no casualties. That is to say…”
“The woman escaped? William came to a conclusion subconsciously, deep in thought with knitted brows.
“Yes, the situation seemed to be very dangerous at that time. If the woman was not very lucky, she must have received professional training. Otherwise, it was impossible for a normal person to escape unscathed at such a critical moment!” Marshall continued, giving a comprehensive analysis of the whole thing.
As William listened to Marshall’s analysis, he found that the woman was very likely to be Olivia.
He asked, “Where is Olivia?”
Marshall answered, “She seems to be in the hospital.”
“Oh? She got injured? William said and focused his deep and brown eyes upon something with an obscure look, thinking, “What a coincidence.”
“I’m not sure. Mr. Kinsman, do you suspect that the woman is Olivia?” Marshall said.
“Go and find out where Olivia went tonight. Also, find out who wanted to kill her,” William said.
“Mr. Kinsman, are you trying to help her?” Marshall asked.
“Marshall!” William said.
“Yes, Mr. Kinsman,” Marshall replied.
“You are a little talkative today,” William said.
“Oh, I still have something to do. I’m leaving now!” Marshall said.
Feeling William’s repressive air, Marshall ran away immediately!
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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