Chapter 45
“Mr. Clarke…
Caroline still wanted to beg for mercy, but Dean ignored her. With the help of the butler, Griffin, Caroline went upstairs with unsteady steps.
She was no longer as energetic as before. Obviously, she was only 50 years old, but she had unsteady steps, as if she had suddenly aged more than ten years.
Caroline felt that her life was hopeless. She suddenly fell to the ground and burst into tears.
The serv ants in the living room had already been sent away. Even though they heard the noise in the living room, no one approached.
In spite of her image, Caroline cursed Dean in the living room for half an hour before she was finally thrown out by the bodyguards that Dean had called.
At the same time, Gianna, who was already in despair, was thrown out.
It suddenly rained heavily outside. The mother and daughter, who were originally bruised and swollen, snuggled up to each other in the heavy rain like two stray dogs that no one wanted.
They supported each other as they walked out. Gianna accidentally stepped into a puddle in her high heels and tripped, causing her to be covered in mud.
She seemed to have just regained her emotions. She sat in the pool of water and refused to get up no matter how Caroline pulled her.
“Mom, it’s all over now. What should I do? What should I do?”
“My good daughter, don’t be afraid. Get up quickly. I’ll figure out a solution for you. I’m here!”
When Caroline hugged Gianna tightly, she felt her daughter’s whole body was trembling.
‘Gianna, you must be strong. This setback is nothing. When you marry Mr. Kinsman, the Clarke family will be nothing, right?”
“But can I still marry Mr. Kinsman in my current state?”
“Poor women are the most popular. Listen to me. Let’s find a place to settle down first and discuss it later…”
Caroline’s face revealed a resolute and vicious expression.

Her only hope in this life was on her precious daughter. She would never give up!
At the Goldentop International Villas.
When Olivia woke up and found herself in an unfamiliar environment, she subconsciously became alert.
Just as she was about to get up, she found that her hand was in someone’s hand.
The person sitting next covered his head on the bed, sleeping quietly, with only his profile exposed.
She took a closer look and was surprised to find that it was William.
All of a sudden, Olivia became nervous!
What was wrong with her? Why was she here? Why was William by her side?
Olivia had countless questions in her heart. She even suspected that she was dreaming!
Olivia thought, “I must be dreaming. Otherwise, William hates me so much. Why would he hold my hand so gently and not let go even when he was asleep?”
Thinking of this, Olivia fell asleep again.
When she woke up again, she had already returned to Maple Villas.
Gideon looked at her worriedly, his eyes bloodshot. It seemed that he hadn’t slept all night.
Reed also had disheveled hair and dark circles under his eyes.
Those who didn’t know the truth would think that the two of them had done something shameful last night!
“What’s wrong with you two? Olivia sat up, looked at the two people who had been staring at her, and asked.
“Miss Clarke, when did you come back?”
“Yes, boss, what’s going on?
“Ah? What do you mean Olivia was a little confused.
10:44 ■
Chapter 45
“Miss Clarke, when I went out to purchase last night, I came back and found that you were missing. I searched the whole house, but I couldn’t find any trace of you! Then, we mobilized our men to look for you, but we found nothing all night. We didn’t even find a trace of you. Then, as soon as we came back from outside, we found you lying on the sofa in the living
“It’s as if you had never gone missing that night!”
As Gideon spoke, he became a little unconfident. If it weren’t for Reed’s testimony and the fact that Olivia was missing last night, he would have felt that he was crazy.
“Do you mean that I was taken away last night and sent back today?” This matter was somewhat ridiculous, but she really had no memory.
Even if she went missing, she didn’t leave on her own.
“Wait, I was taken away…”
She suddenly remembered the clear dream she had in the morning!
Could it be that William had taken her away?
Thinking of this, Olivia was suddenly shocked and puzzled.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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