Chapter 68
On the first floor of Maple Villas.
Ezra, escorted by Marshall, appeared in the villa’s living room.
Initially, when he woke up to find his mom gone, Ezra felt a bit down in the dumps.
To his surprise, Ezra overheard Marshall was coming over to “Miss Clarke’s” place to pick up the big jerk, and he immediately brightened up, hopping in the ride without. even washing his face.
“Sorry for disturbing. Young Mr. Kinsman woke up early, itching to find his dad, so I brought him along…” Marshall held William’s clothes in his hand, looking somewhat embarrassed at young Mr. Kinsman who was shamelessly sitting at the table and eating breakfast. He was at his wit’s end.
Ever since the young Mr. Kinsman was found after going missing last time, his personality had changed considerably, becoming a social butterfly.
Within a matter of minutes, young Mr. Kinsman was already treating this place like home sweet home.
“No worries, Miss Clarke is quite fond of kids. She’d be over the moon to know young Mr. Kinsman is here.”
As Gideon prepared breakfast for Ezra, he was shooting the breeze.
Gideon would come over to prepare breakfast for Olivia practically every morning.
However, when he met Marshall and Ezra this morning, he discovered that William had spent the night at home.
With the gossip fire burning in their hearts, they all refrained from disturbing Olivia, who was still fast asleep.
“Mr. Foster, you haven’t had breakfast yet, have you? Why don’t we break bread together?”
“Ah…” This may not be appropriate.
He wanted to refuse although he was so famished, having spent the night searching for William after he vanished.
“Uncle Marshall, Uncle Gideon’s pancakes are to die for. Come and have a taste!”
“Well then, I won’t stand on ceremony.”
Marshall blushed and sat down together for breakfast
The first one to come downstairs was William.
Lacking proper clothes, he still wore yesterday’s half-dry pants and a skimpy shirt.

Chapter 68
With only two buttons fastened, William revealed most of his chest, looking both posh and bewitching.
“Daddy!” Ezra, the sly one, saw William coming down and immediately bee-lined towards him with his short legs at top speed.
“Luci? How’d you end up here?” William was slightly taken aback to see Lucian.
William bent down and scooped him up.
“Uncle Marshall mentioned you were here. I missed Daddy, so I tagged along.”
“Daddy, what brought you here?”
“Daddy wasn’t feeling well yesterday, so I came here and asked Miss Clarke to take a look.”
Hearing this, Ezra felt it made sense. His mom was indeed good at treating patients.
He just didn’t know what kind of doctor needed to draw a big turtle on his chest!
“Mr. Kinsman, these are the clothes I prepared for you.”
Marshall looked at the turtle marks on William’s chest and nearly spat out the porridge in his mouth.
He managed to hold it together and, with a red face, lowered his head and handed over the clothes.
William took the clothes, changed leisurely, and even asked Gideon to whip up a pancake for him.
Marshall watched William sit with them, happily munching on pancakes, and almost thought his eyes were playing tricks on him.
Who could tell him what on earth happened last night?
Marshall had a sneaking suspicion that someone had pulled a switcheroo on William!
Could it be some sort of soul-swapping incident?
When Olivia went downstairs, she saw the harmonious scene in the dining room and was momentarily at a loss for words.
“William, why haven’t you left yet?”
Ten minutes later, William and Marshall were unsurprisingly kicked out.
Ezra stood by the huge floor-to-ceiling window, watching the pitiful William and Marshall being shooed away. He pretended to sympathize and waved at them.
“Mr. Kinsman, is it really okay to leave young Mr. Kinsman here?” Marshall was a bit worried.
This woman named Olivia had too many secrets.
Chapter 68
They hadn’t gotten to the bottom of it all yet.
“No worries.”
It was high time Lucian spent more time with his biological mom.
William strode out of the villa with his spirits high, despite being booted out.
Plus, with Lucian staying there, he could pick him up later in the evening.
Kill two birds with one stone!
Caroline showed up at the Kinsman family’s villa early in the morning, claiming she was looking for her daughter, Gianna.
Butler Ivan, aware that the Clarke family was on the Kinsman family’s blacklist, naturally refused to let her in. However, Caroline insisted that Gianna attended the party last night and hadn’t returned home since.
Ivan didn’t buy her story and was about to have her escorted out.
At that moment, Gianna emerged from the backyard, covered in suggestive red marks, insisting she had spent the night with Mr. Kinsman.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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