Chapter 173
Chapter 173
“Yeah, you don’t know you have a daughter, do you?”
“A daughter? I have a daughter? Olivia, how many secrets have you been keeping from me?”
William exclaimed, his surprise evident.
He had a daughter and he didn’t know about? How could Olivia keep such a monumental secret from him? He thought, “If
it wasn’t for the life-threatening situation we’re in, who knows how much longer she would’ve kept this from me?”
“You want to know the extent of my secrets?” Olivia asked.
“If we make it out alive, I promise I’ll spill the beans,” she said.
“That’s a promise then!”
“Indeed, I promised!” Olivia asserted, nodding earnestly.
William stared at her for a moment, a sense of acceptance crossing his face, making him smile.
“With just a couple of minutes left, I bet she won’t leave my side,” he thought.
“Olivia, can you trust me?”
Olivia replied with a tinge of sarcasm, “Trust a man’s words? That’s like trusting a mirage in a desert.”
She kept her head down and her body couldn’t stop trembling.
Even though she had been urging William to keep hope alive, deep down, she knew the odds.
That bomb was beyond her expertise.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,” William said with a fleeting smile. Without warning, he shoved Olivia aside and sprinted in the opposite direction.
She stood dumbfounded for a split second before the realization hit her.
“William Kinsman, you absolute fool!” she screamed internally, “Ditching me to face death alone?”
The shrill beeping of the countdown timer grew more urgent, signaling the imminent explosion.
William made a beeline for the stairwell as fast as he could and ran out of the building.

Since Olivia Clarke refused to leave, he would stay away from her with the bomb.
Even if she despises him for eternity, he’d ensure she lives.
Olivia struggled to get up and chased after him.
However, before she could run upstairs, she heard a loud noise coming from outside.
The entire building seemed to shake violently at the sound.
The tremors caught Olivia off-guard. Losing her balance, she tumbled down the staircase.
As the shaking subsided, a profound sense of despair welled up inside her.
“The bomb’s gone off, and William… he’s probably gone with it,” she thought.
Lying on the ground, her world seemed to dim.
Despair. Endless despair!
The lights overhead flickered, mirroring her dwindling hope, before plunging her into utter darkness.
Lost in this black abyss, despair threatened to consume her.
Just when she felt that she was trapped in a dark abyss of despair and could no longer find an exit, a soft, familiar voice pierced the darkness, “Mom, Mom, I’m here to save you!”
“Ezra? Why are you here?” Olivia muttered, dazed. Struggling, she saw Ezra, his little glowing safety helmet on, reaching
out to her.
Was she dreaming?
Chapter 173
“Don’t worry, Mom. I’m here to save you,” Ezra said, tugging her hand with all his might to pull her up.
Olivia cooperated. With Ezra’s help, and gripping the banister, Olivia managed to get up.
The pain from her fresh wounds stung sharply, but it also grounded her to the reality that she wasn’t dreaming.
“Mom, it feels like this place is about to crumble. We need to get out now!”
“Okay, let’s get out of here!” Olivia nodded seriously. Bending down, she scooped Ezra into her arms, grimacing from her own pain, and hastened towards the exit.
Reaching the first floor, it became evident that half of the hospital’s main building had been flattened due to the explosion’s force.
Bricks lay strewn everywhere. The scene looked eerily like a war-torn city.
The wall near the basement where she was just moments ago was still standing, thanks to its distance from the explosion.
“The explosion… Ezra, did you catch a glimpse of your dad?”
“William! William Kinsman!” Olivia spotted a deep pit created by the explosion from afar. Surrounding the pit were men who looked like bodyguards of the Kinsman family, seemingly searching for something.
Anxiety surged through Olivia. Setting Ezra down, she dashed over.
Before Ezra could continue, he watched, slightly bewildered, as his mother sprinted away like the wind had taken her.
He swiveled around to see his so-called dad, chatting up Jameson.
“Daddy, what’s up with mommy?”
“She might just have a soft spot for me now.”
“Huh? Mommy has a soft spot for daddy? Then why did she dash to that pit?”
“Could she be planning to dig a hole and bury daddy?” he thought.
“That’s a good idea. Plant one and grow two.”
“Mommy, let me give you a hand!”
With newfound enthusiasm, Ezra sped off with his tiny legs trying to keep pace.
Jameson, having just tended to William’s wounds, couldn’t help but tease.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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