Chapter 192

“William, Marshall said you’ve given all your properties to me. Is that true?”

Olivia was a little surprised.

She had always thought that Marshall had said that just to cooperate with William in embarrassing Dean.

“Of course it’s true. I never lie to you.” William reached out his hand and rubbed her dazed little face. Then he held her hand and took out one of the property certificates from the box.

When she opened it, she saw the name Olivia on it.

And in the ownership section, it wrote, “Sole”.

The registration date was five years ago…

“This one is on the side of the second ring. It’s very close to your good friend Chelsea. You can live there and that makes it much easier for you guys to hang out… This one is the courtyard on the second ring. I’ve already asked someone to plant your favorite sunflowers. You can go and have a look when you’re free. It’s not far from here…”

William introduced everything he had prepared for her in the past few years as if he was doing a magic trick.

He made it look like she had never left his world.

At this moment, William, who happily introduced houses that he thought she might like one after another to her, was like the emperor standing on the gate tower telling her that he had built the world for her.

He was so handsome!

“Have you been well for the past five years,

Olivia suddenly asked.


She knew that she had suffered enough from the past few years and managed to climb out of hell to see the light again.

However, it seemed that she had never asked that question.

What had William been doing in the past five years? Had he been doing well?

“Very well. Now that you’re back, I’ll live a better life with my dear wife.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll run away with all your money? I haven’t agreed to be with you yet! You’re telling me I’ve got your property and become a super rich woman. Maybe I’ll fall in love with a hunk.”

can’t get you to forgive me, you can be a happy

as though he did not quite know how to begin. After a long while,



good at acting. I was so


to look at him with a

move it to the bedroom upstairs. I want to

all yours,

standing by. When he heard the order, he immediately came over to move

before he could get close, he found that the box had

William said in a confident and serious tone. After that,

where she was, gazing at his back. After a long while, she finally came to her senses. She pulled Marshall over and


and there’s nothing wrong with him.” William instinctively felt

shocked by

Chapter 192

mumbled, then picked up the hot chocolate milk on the table and was

“B-boss, the property certificate…”

his property well when he’s out. Don’t

didn’t want Reed to be so innocent as to

don’t you put it away?” Reed said with

wanted to tell Olivia a long time ago, but it took a month to get

Olivia seemed to realize that her name frequently

I’ll go back to the hospital first.” Reed blushed. He came up to Olivia and put the certificate in

the property certificate in her hand, Olivia

she would let Gideon transfer another sum of

herself that she

she couldn’t let her followers suffer

Olivia took the property certificate

bedroom, she felt that something was

an unfamiliar smell in the bedroom and

casually placed on the coffee table, but he was nowhere to be seen. She could only vaguely hear the sound of running water in

sound and found that there was indeed someone in the

“Are you inside, William?”

sound of water stopped abruptly, but she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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