Chapter 669

“Please transfer him to a private hospital!” She wanted the best doctor to treat Luke. The servant helped Catherine sit on the bench in the corridor and said, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Turner. Mr. Turner had probably only been too tired these days since he was dealing with Vivian’s matter.” Catherine’s hand flew to her forehead, exhaustion taking over her. Back at home, she thought his liver problem relapsed; but clearly that wasn’t the issue and she wasn’t expecting even the doctor wouldn’t know what was wrong. It shocked her.

“Maybe. I’ll find another doctor to check on him.”

Catherine forced a smile.

Luke was transferred to the best private hospital in Barnes. He remained unconscious and Catherine made sure to take care of him herself. She wrung the water on the towel and wiped his arm with it. Suddenly, something occurred to her. She smiled and muttered to herself, “You always prioritize your hygiene. Usually, you take a bath twice a day. Now I only wipe your body once every two days. Are you going to be mad at me when you wake up? Many doctors came to see you these past few days but none of them could diagnose your disease. Luke, am I the one to blame? If I hadn’t been so stubborn to adopt Vivian, things like this wouldn’t have happened. You always call me smart. You said I always make a careful calculation of everything. So how come 1 made such a big mistake? When you wake up, you must scold me again.”

The smile on Catherine’s face became bitter. She truly regretted bringing Vivian into the Turner family. If she hadn’t, their family would have been in a better situation.

During the first days of Luke’s coma, the Turner family had spent a lot of money, inviting medical experts from all around the country but none of them could provide a proper diagnosis. Just like what the initial hospital told them, the cause of Luke’s unconsciousness was still unidentified.

Other family members persuaded Catherine to give up. Luke was known to be dissolute and wild during his early days. Perhaps his body had been gradually weakening since then, the signs were simply not that obvious.

Catherine insisted on finding a treatment but her resolve was crumbling each day. The longer Luke was in a coma, the more uncertain she became. She was just mulling over the doctor’s reports when a servant knocked on the door and entered. “Mrs. Turner, a doctor named Jeremy Button from abroad said he wanted to see you.”

“Jeremy Button? Why haven’t I heard of this doctor’s name?” Catherine’s hope of finding out Luke’s problem had dwindled now. But since the doctor came all the way from abroad, Catherine decided to let Jeremy see Luke out of respect. “Let him in,” she said.

A servant led Jeremy into the ward. A frown immediately appeared on Catherine’s face the moment she saw the cold-looking man. She had doubts about him. The man might be good-looking, but there was a hint of slyness in his eyes.

He didn’t seem to

family will reimburse you for the traveling expenses.” Catherine

after checking Luke’s body. “It should be the rejection after the liver transplant,”

said, “I have the same thoughts but the doctor

had suggested the same thing

standing on his spot. He opened the medical kit and took out a syringe. Looking back at Catherine, he asked, “Do you

as her hand shook. She put it down

Luke. A few minutes later, Luke’s eyelids fluttered,

servant, who was taking care of Luke, pointed at him with a trembling finger and exclaimed, “Mrs. Turner, Mr. Turner

the bedside, knelt down, and held Luke’s hand.

a hospital?” When he finished speaking, he tried propping himself up, only to find that he had no strength to do so.

Don’t worry about the company. I will deal with it

then, Luke had slipped back into a coma. He lay motionless on the bed as though his brief

me?! Luke!” Catherine repeatedly called her husband’s name, but he did not wake up again. She wiped the tears off her face and looked back at Jeremy. “Dr. Button, what’s

medical kit, smiled and calmly said. “Relax.

stared at him with narrowed eyes. It did not take long before she realized that something was wrong. “How much do you want? I’m willing to pay

Mrs. Turner. You really are intelligent. It’s no wonder

Catherine asked crossly She could not rest assured unless she heard the answer from

took out a document from his medical kit and handed it to her. “You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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