Chapter 713

Casting a frigid glance at his former classmates, Garrett was filled with revulsion as he departed with Laney.

He never imagined his peers would become so callous and elitist over the years, particularly Kailee. Once kindhearted, she had morphed into a spiteful individual.

He couldn’t stomach spending another second in such a duplicitous and repugnant environment.

As Garrett and Laney exited, the atmosphere at the party turned even more uncomfortable. Gazing at the retreating couple, Kailee seethed with jealousy and rage.

Emerging from the seclusion of the private room, Laney’s intuition was ablaze, detecting that the history bet**en Garrett and Kailee was far from simple.

The jealousy that sparked in Kailee’s eyes as Garrett held Laney was undeniable. If envy could manifest as a lethal blade, Laney would have surely perished at Kailee’s hands.

Upon settling into the car, Laney feigned seriousness, her voice tinged with confusion. “Why do I get the sense that your connection with Kailee goes beyond just being old classmates?”

Garrett was taken aback by Laney’s perceptiveness, his pulse quickening. He fumbled for words, explaining, “We were an item back in our school days. But after graduation, we went our separate ways and haven’t really been in touch. I didn’t mention it earlier because I didn’t want you to feel envious. I swear!”

Witnessing Garrett’s disarray, Laney couldn’t supp**ss her laughter any longer, her amusement spilling over. “Don’t worry. I don’t succumb to jealousy on a whim. But…” Garrett’s anxiety returned.

“What?” Laney’s exp**ssion turned icy. “Kailee’s actions were despicable. It’s one thing to insult me, but to demean Natalie as well? That’s simply unbearable.”

“Sweetheart, don’t worry!” Garrett patted his ch*st with conviction, promising, “From now on. I’ll keep my distance from people like them and never let them harm you!”

“That’s a relief.”

their home neared. Suddenly, Laney experienced a sharp pain in her abdomen, her

on? Are you having stomach cramps?” Laney


at the

condition wasn’t severe. Emotional upheaval had

Laney to remain in the hospital before

Yet, seeing Laney’s pallid complexion as she lay in bed, he couldn’t

I didn’t protect

never have taken you to that class reunion. I had no

a reassuring smile, gently squeezing his hand. ‘It’s not your fault. Besides, the doctor says I’ll be fine. I just

Garrett apologized again, guilt-ridden. “Our

Laney’s tenderness only intensified Garrett’s self-condemnation. He berated himself internally for causing such a wonderful wife to endure so much pain. He felt

upon Laney’s slumbering

had suffered at the gathering and the tense car ride. Consumed by guilt and frustration, he retreated to the corridor

having quit when Laney became pregnant. Nevertheless, just as he ignited his cigarette, he noticed Leo and Vera

snuffing out the cigarette with

hear that Laney

happened today?” Leo questioned, his tone

bore down on him, Garrett struggled to find the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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