After chatting for a while, Natalie asked, “How are you doing recently? Are you feeling better? Has the baby adapted to the climate there?”

Upon departing from Barnes, Laney found solace in a dwelling close to Teresa’s abode.

Blessed with Teresa’s camaradene and Ian’s unwavering support, Laney flourished in the vibrant atmosphere of the unfamiliar city.

Anya, a remarkably well-mannered infant, rarely disturbed the night with her cries.

Ian’s round-the-clock devotion to the child allowed Laney to cast her maternal concerns aside.

Surrounded by such warmth and liberty, Laney experienced a profound rejuvenation of body and spirit.

Her separation from Garrett sparked an epiphany: a woman must forge her own career and refuse to relinquish it for the whims of romance.

This newfound wisdom propelled Laney to devote her leisure hours to Teresa’s burgeoning security enterprise.

Her wealth of expertise proved invaluable, catalyzing the company’s rapid expansion.

As the ranks of bodyguards swelled, Teresa resolved to create a distinct uniform for her employees.

Laney instantly thought of Natalie, whose recent venture into fashion design was ripe for collaboration.

Thus, Laney introduced Natalie to Teresa.

Upon witnessing Natalie’s extraordinary portfolio, Teresa’s satisfaction knew no bounds, and she promptly commissioned the uniforms.

Learning of Laney’s thriving state, relief washed over Natalie.

“I’m so glad you’ve found your footing in the new city.”

Natalie’s thoughts then drifted towards Garrett.

Ever since Laney’s departure, Garrett had become consumed by his work, his relentless drive leaving even Brandon in awe.

for a moment, Natalie inquired, “Do you still keep in

before the screen,

child’s father. I send him updates about

in her marriage to Garrett, Natalie expressed a blend of

apart will do

lips curled into a melancholy

I still

of facing the Harding family again fills me with dread, making

pressure from the Harding clan, Garrett’s passivity, and the countless wounds inflicted

with her precious daughter, she balked

to surrender the freedom she had fought so

Laney’s pain, having borne

knew the passage of time alone could not mend these

could genuinely neutralize his family’s

to dispel the somber mood, Natalie exhaled softly and shifted the

any specific requests for Teresa’s order? I want to ensure my studio’s debut is

as she replied, “I have complete confidence

a few more moments of conversation, it was time for Laney to take Anya outside

The call concluded.


right; otherwise, his quest to reclaim his

call, Natalie immersed herself in her

so she needed to wrap up Teresa’s

her tasks, just as the workday drew

reached for a glass of water when a series of knocks interrupted

familiar voice elicited

hadn’t anticipated Carly would

surprised to see Carly at the doorway, hastened to

the previous debacle with the reporters and Carly’s decision to engage Mandy for the dress design, Lexi had assumed Carly would never set foot

by Carly’s appearance, Natalie courteously ushered her into

eager to learn if Carly


sipping her coffee, she remarked, “My grandmother adored the cookies you gifted her last

did you find that delightful

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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