Chapter 255

Adler cleared his throat and didn’t say another word. He lowered his gaze and sifted through the figures on the three sheets of paper once more. Minutes later, he said, “This formula looks solid. I can whip it up for you right now.”

He paused, then asked, “You really don’t know how to use any of these gadgets?”

“Not a clue.” Mirabella admitted. Then she added with a hint of mystery. “But who knows about the future?”

Adler rubbed his nose and set the papers aside, then walked over to a cabinet and pulled out two pairs of lab gloves. He handed one pair to Mirabella, saying, “I can walk you through using these machines while I mix up the concoction.”

Mirabella slipped on the gloves and declined with a detached tone. “No need. Just focus on the mixing.”

Adler took her words to meah that she was worried he’d get distracted and botch the mix. wasting precious ingredients. So, without further ado, he grabbed a medicine box and stationed himself in front of the extraction apparatus.

Whether you’re brewing potions the old–fashioned way or using high–tech gear, there’s one constant: precision. The formula and measurements have to be down to the milligram. A smidgen too much or too little, and you might as well toss it in the trash it’s a bust. It meant Adler had to be laser–focused, especially since he rarely concocted elixirs and now had a big shot looking over his shoulder. The pressure was enough to fray anyone’s nerves.

ignorance about the equipment, Adler couldn’t shake the

quick business, and extraction and purification are especially time–consuming. By late afternoon, they’d only completed a third

was clearly running on fumes, Mirabella stepped in.

break. I’ll handle the rest.”

all afternoon and had gotten the hang of the machinery. Taking

be too difficult.

keep at


filtering and precipitating with a rhythm that was only slightly slower than


face–palming. Of course, she was a quick

hurt his pride by showing him up from the get–go. He felt



Chapter 255


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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