Chapter 281

The barrage of messages and missed calls were all from the two overgrown brothers. They were currently making their way through the airport.

Mirabella replied with a quick voice message before striding confidently toward the exit, her suitcase trailing behind her. In no time, she breezed through the checkpoint and immediately spotted Zach’s familiar figure. She quickened her pace, heading straight for him.


Without a word, Zach took over the suitcase and the large shopping bag from her grasp, his concern evident in his voice. “You must be tired, huh?”

“Not too bad.” Mirabella arched an eyebrow before scanning around the area. “Where’s Leo? Wasn’t he supposed to come with you?”

Zach’s face darkened at the mention of Leo, and he replied, irritation lacing his tone. “That .doofus is in the car waiting for you.”

A twitch of amusement played on Mirabella’s lips she had a hunch Leo had managed to get on Zach’s nerves again.

wait at home, but he insisted on coming. Honestly, with his national boyfriend

Leo’s fans, a surge of

covertly glanced at her

“Ease up, Zach. Leo can’t help it if he’s

however, didn’t do much to lift Zach’s spirits. Ever since Leo moved back home, Zach felt like

minutes later, they reached the parking lot. As they approached the car, Zach spotted Leo already opening the car door,

foot, and as he leaned forward to speak, a suitcase was shoved in, forcing him to

ya?” Zach dumped the suitcase and shopping

left in a

you take the front seat.” Zach spoke as he gallantly

Chapter 281


a picture

side, but not before catching a glimpse of Leo’s baffled expression in the rearview mirror, shaking her head in resignation. Poor Leo

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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