Chapter 301

with the

Mirabella slid back into her seat subtle grace of a cat reclaiming its favorite sunny


Just as Delilah was about to inquire who her daughter had been speaking with, her gaze lifted to see Emmitt entering the room, prompting her to snap her lips shut. She cast a cautious glance at Mirabella’s expression. The siblings were wrapped in a thick fog of


Clearing her throat, Delilah set aside her fork. “Emmitt, you’re back? Have you had dinner?”

As she spoke, Zach and Leo, both hunched over their plates, along with Shawn, turned to look at Emmitt. Their faces mirrored Delilah’s reaction, an uncanny mixture of concern and curiosity. Then, almost reflexively, their gazes shifted to Mirabella as if to ensure she was alright.

felt a sting at the sight, the bitterness in his throat intensifying.

herself at a loss for words. It

Emmitt hummed, striving for a tone of nonchalance. “I saw online that Leo got hurt. Is that

hand trembled, nearly dropping his

incident, chuckled, “Oh, no. Your brother

and seeing that he bore no resemblance to the rumors

coughed, lifting his head to add, “The internet is full of wild tales. Don’t believe it. It’ll blow

over soon.”

Emmitt replied, dropping the subject.

again, the dining room fell into silence. Emmitt stood still, suddenly feeling like

as he noticed two certificates hanging on the wall. He approached them–one for first place at the national competition, the

certificates. Remembering he had recorded a video

Emmitt’s arm. “Take a look at this.”

wanted Emmitt to see his little sister’s excellence in person and dispel misunderstandings through her undeniable talent.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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