Chapter 104

CH104 Tsuneo

I blinked at that, trying to keep my surprise off my face. Hope filled me. Was my mother really coming back?

You mean... You mean she's coming back?

Of course. Why would think that she wouldn'

I shook my head. A staff member, a new girl, came to me and filled my water cup. I thanked and a drained it quickly. People came in, pushing carts full of food with them. I started to eat, trying not to be saddened by Morgan's absence and savoring the quiet that hung over the room. The tension didn't bother me. It never had. Let them fear me. Fear was useful-it kept people obedient, kept them from crossing lines they shouldn't.

If more people had feared my father, I doubted that Kai would even exist.....

"You started eating without me?" I looked up as Kai came in. His little feet rushing toward me. chuckled as he pouted up at me.

"I thought you were taking a nap."

He rubbed his eyes. I picked him up and set him in Keiji's seat. Someone gasped in horror, but 1 ignored it and waved a servant over to fill his plate. Kai swung his feet under his chair, his small hands gripping the edges of his plate as he stared at me with wide, curious eyes.

"I was, but still." He pouted. "I was looking forward to eating

"Well, I havent taken a bite yet."

With you."

"We should have fruit first," he said. His small face lit up with an innocent smile. "Do you like peaches?"

"I do. Would you like some?"

He nodded. "They're my favorite. They're really good!... But aren't they out of season?"

"Not quite," I said. "There's a farm that supplies the palace that grows peaches year round thanks to the fairies."

awesome," he


the new girl over. She brought a

cut up,

How should

do it in halves and

His bright little voice cut through the awkward silence that filled the hall. I couldn't help the slight twitch at the corner of my lips. Kai was the only one who talked to me like this, unafraid, oblivious to the weight of everything surrounding us. It was probably strange for them all to see me following directions from a five year old

a pile of peach slices. I sprinkled just a little sugar on them as he instru We drank tea, then I picked

or had.

"See! I told you they were the best like

chuckling. I reached for one of the slices, holding it between my cks. "Thank

chin proudly. "Lady Morgan says that even crown princes can learn something

wife's wisdom knows

of utensils and the murmur of servants. No one else dared speak. They avoided my gaze, each of them too wrapped

hall remained heavy with silence

course, one of them had to say something. It didn't surprise me who it was that had the gall to talk. He always has more pride and

be acting like this? He's not even trying to hide that it was all a rouse for that human..... "Care to speak up a bit louder?" Tarofu asked, taking over before I had a chance to even think about it. It seemed



is more to dealing with coat pilities

"You don't

foolishness is well

jumped to his feet. Turning Ari haman was cruel! I don't how you did it. We've always known there was something off

believe the correct term is exemplary. Beyond yr

"You're just-

even." I leaned

your own house, Tarofu said. He is a coward. weakling, there are many in this world like him. Consider it practice for the

do not see you as anything more than an oddity. A favorite. Disarming them requires them to see a different side of you. Your interactions with Kai are already rattling their cages... Playing the role of a snarky younger brother will go

Toward what?

gaining eyes into whatever schemes they may

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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