Chapter 195

But who would have thought that the man who could control everything would sneak into the bathroom and study her bra for so long!

Hanging her clothes on the balcony drying rack, Chloe looked at the bra that Damon had just held in his hand and couldn’t help but hold her forehead in a helpless manner.

How was she supposed to face this bra in the future?

“Not bad”

Just when she was feeling down, Damon’s faint voice suddenly came from behind her.

She immediately turned to look at him, and Damon’s tall and straight figure stood behind her. She looked up at him, “What’s not bad?”

Damon glanced at the clothes on the drying rack and said casually, “C cup…

Chloe’s eyes widened, and she quickly stepped forward to cover his mouth with her hand

“Stop talking”

Damon’s handsome face was very calm

He took Chloe’s hand off his mouth.

and then he said very seriously.

and her whole face, along with her neck under the light blue shirt, flushed with embarrassment.

“Stop it!”

“I’m complimenting you, I really

shy, pushing Damon aside and walking out

the bathroom to wash her hands, and when she came out, Damon was standing at

bumping into

are you doing?”

fully on guard from head to toe, and frowned slightly, “Are you afraid of me?”

then she said, “Why

her silently, exposing her lie

unnatural, and

you to always say those things? Don’t you

but Damon

concerned about it, he didn’t continue to dwell on the matter.

handed her the tie in his

“Help me.”

his hand, took a deep breath

she was standing at the bathroom door, there was a step, so her height was now closer to Damon’s, and she didn’t have to tiptoe,

see Chloe’s smooth and delicate nose just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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