Chapter 69

Josie stiffened for some time before mumbling, “I’m sorry, Ms. Jones. I admit – I backstabbed you out of my personal interest. Please accept my sincere apologies.”

A soft laughter emerged on the other end, accompanied by the sound of the sea breeze. “I don’t blame you. He might never come to meet me if it weren’t for you. Now, I can finally move on. You’re a kind girl. I believe you can design a cover that can touch people’s hearts.”

Josie was relieved to be acknowledged by Shannon. She could only keep thanking her.

Suddenly, Shannon asked, “The man with you that day isn’t your boyfriend, am I right?”

“Yeah… He’s my boss.” Josie was embarrassed.

Shannon laughed. “Your acting skill has room for improvement.”

After hanging up the call, Josie remained in a daze for a moment before she squealed in excitement and trotted to Dexter’s room. She knocked on his door, hoping to share her happiness with him.

go to bed. When he opened his door to see the woman whose face turned red from excitement, he was stunned. “Don’t say anything

Josie nodded.

obtain the copyright?” Dexter asked

jumped with exhilaration and couldn’t hide her joy. “I can

subtle smile. Josie embraced him

wouldn’t have gone so smoothly. Oh my gosh! I’m

second as the warm sensation left him.

“Thank you!”

Grandpa asked us to

naturally, “Okay. I’ll get

she sensed something strange. She lifted her face to

natural, as if they were husband

the change in the atmosphere. He let out a cough and took a step

heavily. She almost fell for his gentle gaze just now! Why did

a dream – Dexter and Josie were strolling by the beach, holding hands on an ordinary night. He told her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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