Chapter 183 My Wife (2)

“Okay.” Alice nodded quickly.

The two of them then rushed to Zayn’s research institute.

Yesterday night, Jane called Alice to inform her that Pierce’s heart rate was abnormal. After ending the call with Alice, Jane took Pierce to Zayn’s research institute.

“Mr. Knight? Are you actually here in person?” Zayn was genuinely surprised when he saw Ethan. “Who managed to convince you to come?”

“He’s my brother–in–law,” Ethan replied naturally, his expression and tone casual. After that, he introduced Alice to Zayn as she stood beside him. “She’s my wife.”

When Alice heard his introduction, she was stunned. Aren’t we keeping our marriage a secret? Well, perhaps it’s because we are in Cliaria and not many people know us.

Zayn’s face showed a hint of surprise, but he quickly regained his composure and greeted Alice politely, “You’re Mrs. Knight, eh? Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” She smiled politely. “Dr. Wynn, I want to know my brother’s current condition.” She was too worried about Pierce’s condition, so she didn’t bother much with pleasantries.

“Considering how he’s been in a coma for seven years, Mr. Woland’s condition is not looking good.” Zayn’s expression became serious when discussing the matter.

Her heart sank at his words. Does this mean there’s no hope that Pierce will wake up?

“Don’t make it

Zayn wanted to protest, but after meeting Ethan’s gaze, he changed his words.

up. “In other words, is there

he felt Ethan shoot a cold glance at him, Zayn quickly changed

happy tears, for she had waited for seven years and consulted numerous doctors, but none

like you.” Zayn rolled

didn’t pay any attention to him at all. As long as his

at him like that. As such, he decided to ignore Ethan and turn to Alice instead. “Mrs. Knight,

please.” She nodded

she couldn’t understand. However, she still listened attentively because she didn’t want to

he asserted himself once again. “Make it simpler. Explain it in terms that my

explanation, but since Ethan had spoken up, he had no choice but to comply. “Yesterday, I performed the first treatment on Mr. Woland, and he showed some response. The abnormal heart rate last night was not necessarily a bad thing: it indicates that he still

other words, his abnormal heart rate is a result of the treatment taking effect, am I right?” Alice finally understood

more in–depth explanation, but after considering Ethan’s earlier remark, he decided to withhold some of the technical details and answered, “Yes, you could say that. You don’t need

visibly relaxed, and a smile finally appeared on her face. Pierce has a better chance of waking up now. Finally!

Cliaria for another two days and kept Pierce company, whereas Ethan stayed by her side the entire time. Although she asked him several times to attend to his matters and not stay with her, he refused each

she boarded the plane back to Rodcaster along with

up. Alice didn’t make a fuss, considering that she used a special passage under his arrangements, and with him inside

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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