A servant barged in and reported, “Mr. Birch is here!”

Randy was instantly overjoyed at the news. “Quick, let Mr. Birch in!”

As soon as he finished talking, Ashton waltzed in right through the door, laughing as he held a fan with the word ‘Reaper’ painted on it.

“Hahaha… Long time no see, Mr. Summers.”

“Mr. Birch, you’re finally here!”

Randy and Connor simultaneously stood up to welcome him.

Ashton had just stepped into the front hall when he saw Daniel sitting on the main seat.

He was immediately stunned and doubtful.

Who is this man?

How could he sit on the main seat of the Summers Family?!

“Mr. Summers, who is this—”

Randy hastily introduced him. “This is Vice President Robinson from Coliree Group.”

“The vice president of Coliree Group?”

Ashton hastily snapped his fan shut as he pleasingly extended a hand. “I’ve heard many good things about you, sir…”

Daniel simply lifted his eyelids a little, not caring even to speak.


He’s probably going to meet the real reaper today!

Daniel had no time for people who would soon be gone from the face of the earth.

Ashton had an awkward expression on his face as he timidly retracted his hand.

However, he dared not hold any grudge, for he knew very well the status of the vice president of Coliree Group.

honor to be able to see

atmosphere, Connor hastily said, “Mr. Birch, please have a seat.

I can’t sit down

on the head. “I was so shocked to see

to the father-son duo, “Quick! Come with me to welcome

The Reaper’s boss?!

the others

they all hastily followed outside; even Caleb urged Kayla to

outfit sauntering over to them with the aid of two

forward and took the old man’s arm from the youths’ grasps, then introduced to Randy, “This is Morten Law, a highly-esteemed veteran

others immediately bowed. “It’s a pleasure to

and position were everything in the

veterans like Morten had countless powerful people like Ashton as their subordinates, and

if they did, an earth-shattering and

Morten into the front hall, Randy said

offered was still lower than the

like an elderly person as he reprimanded, “Young man, why are

his eyelids as

but everyone present was

as he said furiously, “W-Who is this man? How dare he

and the father-son duo of the Summers

of them was a veteran of the underworld, whereas the other was the vice president of

didn’t want to offend

a bit, then said to Morten, “Mr. Law, this is the vice president

snorted as he took the seat he was originally

the day, capital

or seniority didn’t matter, for none of that mattered in the

took their

Birch, we’re just punishing a lowly ruffian, so I didn’t expect you to

out to welcome Morten, he noticed that there were

hand and gritted his teeth as he said, “This hand is all thanks to

fear that things might get out of control, so I invited Mr. Law over to

vicious look streaked across Ashton’s eyes. “As long as that kid dares to come here today, I’ll

Ashton’s words, Caleb slapped his wheelchair in excitement. “Marvelous! I’ll cut off his junk with my own hands! That way, he’ll experience the same

Daniel listened to their discussion on defeating

idiots really thought that five hundred ruffians could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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