Daniel’s tone was serious as he spat out the words one by one. “Curiosity killed the cat, my friend. Stop being noisy if you still care about your family!”

“Y-Yes… I won’t say another word…”

Jay was scared out of his wits! To think the Vice President was using his family’s lives to threaten him! It was as clear as day that Daniel was more powerful than Jay had initially thought!

Kingsley’s fingers tapped against the office desk as he asked, “Daniel, why did you recruit a person like him into our company?”

“To answer your question, Mr. Nicholson.” Daniel stood as straight as a ramrod.

“I’ve considered his family background. The Carters have long been a well-known aristocratic family in the city, so they have a good reputation. Jay is not only the young master of the family, but he has also graduated with a DBA from the best-ranking university in the world. Hiring him will be very beneficial for Coliree Group’s future developments.”

Although Daniel was dressed in a suit, his mannerism and speech still had traces of a person who had once trained in the military.


Well, this is new. Kingsley’s initial impression of Jay was just a rich lad who was arrogant and domineering due to his family background. This dude is not as bad, I guess.

After all, the best university wasn’t a place where someone could enter with just money and mere connections.

Worried that Kingsley would place the blame on him, he quickly explained, “Yes. Although Jay is a little arrogant, he’s the real deal. If not for that, I never would have let him become the General Manager for the company…”

Kingsley nodded his head in response. If this lad could be trained well, there is a possibility that he could become a real asset to the company in the future.

Noticing that Kingsley’s expression had relaxed slightly, Jay felt as if he saw a ray of hope, so he took the chance to make his plea. “Mr. Nicholson, as you know, I’m the young master of the Carter Family. I had to learn how to grow up under everyone’s gaze on me. Everyone jumped at the chance to flatter me, yet they were all waiting for the day I would make a single mistake. I had no choice but to become who I am today in order to protect myself…”

the truth, he

down and begged for mercy. “I fully understand that my attitude was the

fingers were still tapping rhythmically on the table. “I’ll consider it if you can correct

burden was suddenly lifted from his shoulders, Jay bowed and thanked him, announcing, “I’ll make sure to correct all my

ever received news that you looked down on someone again, I’ll make sure to

to the point he felt like crying because he was finally

his own reasons

right, they had to build a connection with the local forces in order for their company to have a

the same time, they had to make sure they had a secured place within the business industry. In that case, Jay was definitely the perfect

now. There are still a few

sign for Jay to leave. Noticing the meaning behind Kingsley’s words,

a look at how Boris is doing.” Kingsley stood up and said,

quickly stood up straight and

the military rules

are a total of eighteen buildings for our company. Nine of them are used as decoys and are known as the external factions. The rest of them are used to carry out missions, called the interior factions. A plaza

No.17, the place where

just got out of the car when a couple

his face. With

the building, he began to examine the surroundings. There were about twenty floors in the particular building, yet not a single worker was in sight. The only things in sight were the flashing red lights of the numerous security

Boris is imprisoned on the second floor. Let’s go up.” Daniel had just finished speaking when Lancer came running in their


around and ordered, “Daniel, you can return to your post for now. There’s no need for you to pay attention to this matter,

“Yes, sir!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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