Kingsley’s marksmanship was excellent!

His shots brushed past every person, but no one was injured!

Nonetheless, this was enough to scare those people out of their minds!

Kingsley uttered in a cold voice when the gunshots stopped, “What else do you want me to record?! Anyone here still wants to embarrass Reene?!”

Silence enveloped the room.

Everyone was petrified, so no one dared to answer him at all.

Only then did he put away the pistol. His dark eyes swept across the crowd, and his tone was frigid.

“I shall remember 12 of your faces! So, you’d better not kneel and beg me for mercy when we meet next time!”

After he said that, he kicked the door to the private room with a bang and left with Reene!

He wiped the broth off her body with a tissue when they returned to the car.

He also blamed himself and muttered, “It’s all my fault that I didn’t protect you well, Reene.”

“It’s not your fault…”

Meanwhile, Reene’s pretty face had turned scarlet.

only wearing a bra

have been able to see everything as he wiped her

me do

immediately leaned over to get a tissue, but her


whimper and flinched like she had experienced

also felt a little flustered the moment he felt

“Erm… Ahem…”

changed the subject. “Don’t worry, none of these people will be

hurt Reene in

were better off as dead

How are you going to deal with them?” Reene returned to her senses with worry in her eyes as she advised, “You must never kill people

you tell me not to kill, I won’t, but I will definitely make

to her, “Tomorrow will be Coliree Group’s pre-bid conference. Come with me. After I’ve dealt

beautiful eyes. “V-Vice

was his comrade-in-arms, she was still surprised to hear that she was suddenly going

out if there are any projects you are interested in tomorrow morning and discuss them with

myself, so I won’t embarrass you

Kingsley, and there was also a hint of distinct sentiment in

brother was a

little boy who asked

and mysterious man that she couldn’t fully

Reene came out to the living room wearing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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