When the Wynns heard what Kingsley said, their faces turned ashen.

Both Henry and Clarence looked especially ghostly.

Clarence tried to put up a fight. “Reene did manage to win the bid for the Coliree Group project, and I’m willing to admit that much, but she can’t even get out of bed right now. How is she going to helm the project?”

“That’s right!” Alex stepped in as well. “What if Coliree Group decides to back out of the contract? You would’ve lost the bet then!”

Kingsley frowned. “What’s the matter? Are you guys trying to renege on our deal?”

“This doesn’t count!” Alex declared arrogantly. “Has Reene even signed the contract with Coliree Group yet? If she hasn’t signed anything, then things could still change!”

Alex heard from the grapevine that Reene had been shot before the conference ended.

This meant that she had not had time to sign the contract with Coliree Group.

This gave him the courage to say what he said.

Kingsley stated impassively, “You don’t have to worry about that. Even if the project has to be delayed for a year or two, Coliree Group will not back down from the deal with Neveah.”

“Just because you say so? Who do you think you are anyway?!” Alex pointed at Kingsley and shouted, “Stop trying to put on your f*cking act in front of me! I’ve had it with you, you shameless wannabe!”

Clarence voiced his displeasure as well. “No matter what, Neveah belongs to our family! What right do you have to butt in, you bum? Hurry up and get lost before I decide to settle the score with you for ruining my daughter’s engagement!”

was on the verge of getting an aneurysm after hearing the way

in Hill Crest Hospital, and I’m warning you, stop disturbing the patient’s

a member of the Roseland Chamber of

in anger, but she

knew very well that he was

would be nothing but courteous toward

ask the security guards to chase them

way to deal with these rotten people just because they

heard Alice’s complaint, he smirked. “Alice, do you remember the

was… Leoric Schneider?” Alice frowned. “We should be trying to find a way

just how to deal with them.” Kingsley sneered before calling

Leoric. Are you still in the

guys over to VIP room 9


call for reinforcements? By the time

would probably only take a couple of minutes to get here from the

said that, a furious roar echoed

around here? Mr. Nicholson?

my f*cking way!

Nicholson! Let me see who’s the fool

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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