Helen wavered once she saw how confident Kingsley was. She nodded and said, “Alright. If you manage to treat that patient who has been paralyzed for over ten years, then I’ll trust you.”

“Grandma, what’s gotten into you? How can you believe such bullsh*t?” Nicholas exclaimed incredulously. “Even Hippocrates himself would have a hard time treating a man who has been paralyzed for over ten years!”

The other Fox relatives spoke up in agreement.

“He’s right! That guy is just a shameless wannabe! How could he possibly treat a man who has been paralyzed for over ten years?”

“Hahaha, and he even said he’d use acupuncture! What a joke!”

“You hit the nail right on the head! The experts from Mittera are trained in the best techniques available in modern medicine, and this punk wants to go up against them with a few needles? It’s the biggest joke I’ve heard in a while!”

Kingsley’s eyes glinted icily when he heard them ridiculing Qustia’s ancient healing.

He got up slowly and retorted icily, “When I conduct the acupuncture treatment, you bunch of disrespectful fools better bring along those doctors that you have so much faith in! All of you can witness how Qustia’s ancient healing remains useful and relevant even alongside modern medicine!”

Kingsley turned around and left the room right after saying those words.

Nothing that he said would penetrate those thick skulls of theirs, so it was pointless to continue talking to them.

his face. “Take a good look at your wonderful

time in his life, he stood up to his brother-in-law as he enunciated every single word clearly, “I trust him. He will heal that paralyzed

Matt spat in response. “Fool!

“You don’t need to be angry, Dad. Isn’t that punk still trying to put on

“What’s your idea?”

him as the shameless wannabe that he is in front of everyone. Let’s see

Nicholas’ plan. He smacked his hands together and declared, “Yes, we’ll do just that! I want to destroy him and leave


the floor with both Michael and Kingsley when the opportunity came knocking on his

Kingsley Nicholson, delivered himself

as she watched Matt and

did not believe that Kingsley would have

leaned against Michael’s shoulder and started crying. “What’s going to happen now? I thought we found ourselves

Kingsley bumped right into Alice after leaving

cheerfully, “How was it, Kingsley? Did you get along

brows and explained, “We’re just pretending to be a

“A pretend couple…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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