Chapter 39 Missing Out

After her meal at the cafeteria. Gwendolyn went back to her office to work.

+25 Bonus

Despite everything that had happened, her earlier thoughts about the Mossey family were merely speculations with no proof. She couldn’t be bothered to spend time looking for proof.

However, she would not remain indifferent toward the matter if Natasha were to come and mess with


During late afternoon, Joaquin called.

The moment she picked up the call, Joaquin uttered in a sweet voice, “Gwendolyn, are you free tonight?”

Gwendolyn continued typing away on her keyboard as she curtly answered, “No.”

Joaquin pouted and went on about the reason he called. “There’s a Mossey family event I have to attend tonight. I’ve already worked for seven to eight days consecutively. You’ve got to give me a break, right?”


Joaquin was taken aback by her swift response. Tentatively, he asked, “Then may I invite you to be my female companion for tonight’s event?”

Gwendolyn pursed her lips and looked away for a brief moment, seemingly mulling over something.

A beat later, she said, “Okay.”

She ended the call right after giving an affirmative response.

On the other end of the line, Joaquin could only lament under his breath about how aloof and heartless Gwendolyn was.

Gwendolyn wasn’t planning on attending the event, but since Joaquin had invited her, she decided to go take a look.

Half an hour later. Joanne knocked on the door and entered. She then put an exquisitely-wrapped gift box onto Gwendolyn’s desk.

“Ms. Shalders, someone delivered this here saying that it’s for you.”

“All right. You can go back to work.”

Once Joanne was gone, Gwendolyn stood up to open the box.

It was a dress, and its style was of her preference. Joaquin’s quite enthusiastic about this. He even bought me a dress.


employees started packing in preparation to head home. Gwendolyn urged those who liked working overtime to head home as well.


13:21 Mon, May 15

Chapter 39 Missing Out

Gwendolyn finally take the elevator


+25 Bonus

been waiting for Gwendolyn by the entrance

of the building he instinctively stole a

that single glance at her was enough to mesmerize him so much that he could not bring himself to tear his

beauty, making her appear far more charming than usual.

was not interested in

before jogging toward her with a smile. Reaching out for her hand like a gentleman, he then said respectfully, “Your Majesty, it is my honor to be able to attend. the

smacked his head. “Don’t be

head and muttered miserably. “But m

walking toward the car, he hastily opened the door for her and continued admiring her beautiful features. “Gwendolyn, you’ve got a good

froze in

she turned to give him a confused look. “Weren’t you

question, Joaquin soon felt a wave of awkwardness wash over him. “I wanted to pick a dress for you, but I

Gwendolyn’s expression turned grim.

it, and she had assumed that it was Joaquin who

is getting


did not respond to that. She curled her rosy lips

out on the

floor of the Mossey residence. She had been

on. “If not for your invitation letter, I have no idea how long my brother’s going to keep me grounded. You know, those old ones

are now outside!

3.21 Mon, May

Chapter 39 Missing Out

locked up anymore.”

+25 Bonus

stone. He’s very stubborn.” Sheralyn’s frown. deepened as she continued complaining, “You too. What are you busy with lately? You’re not even picking up my calls. I was starting to wonder if you’ve betrayed

can I possibly do that to you? I’ve always thought of you as my best friend. I’d be upset if you think of me

to heart. Still, I have to congratulate you. You can

eyes turned icy, but when Sheralyn

notice that,

future heiress of the Mossey family, you have an impressive status. How can

and honored to

her usual pretentious role, a noise sounded at the doorway of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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