Chapter 45 Judgment That Goes Haywire.

+25 Bonus

Madelyn was about to question Natasha when Jerome and Maverick arrived at the scene together.

Instantly, Natasha turned to the reassuring familiarity of Maverick’s presence for comfort. “Mave!” she wept.

The man glanced at her with his lips pursed. Not a single word left his mouth.

Under the dim yellow lighting, his expression was impenetrable.

Once Jerome had gotten a clear look at the remnant of wine and tears on his daughter’s face, he asked, “What happened here?”

The surrounding guests described the earlier incident to him. While they were siding with Natasha with every sentence they said, they did consider the wrath of Joaquin. On top of that, there was Gwendolyn’s stunning performance from earlier as well. As such, they did not make any remark that was out of line.

After listening to them for a while, Jerome had a rough idea of what had happened.

With a smile, he ushered the guests away and graciously asked that they continue partaking in food and drink. Then, he halfheartedly offered Natasha a few words of comfort before returning to the main banquet hall with everyone else.

Sobbing, Natasha held Maverick’s arm. The way she acted like a damsel in distress would surely arouse pity in the onlookers’ hearts. “Mave, don’t blame Gwendolyn for this. She’s probably in a bad mood because of our engagement.”

However, Maverick lowered his head to look at her, then asked in an impassive tone. “What did you say to her just now?”

Natasha was taken aback by his question. When she raised her head and saw that he seemed upset, she hurriedly explained, “We’re about to be engaged. All I wanted was her blessing. I never thought that she’d get angry and splash wine at me.”

“Is that so?” The man furrowed his brows as his expression grew even colder.

Holding onto the sliver of hope that he would believe her, Natasha nodded and tightened her grip on

his arm.

Almost instantly, Maverick withdrew his arm. “Tasha, seem to understand you less and less.”

She was stumped for words.

It was the first time she had experienced such coldness from him. Did he see through my ruse?

At that moment, she dared not continue with her act. If Maverick had actually noticed anything, he would only be more put off if she proceeded with the cover-up.

“Mave, it’s because Gwendolyn made fun of me using the ugly picture of me from my fiasco on the stage. I was enraged, so I tried to splash wine at her… I’ve not changed much, Mave. I’m still me.” Natasha explained.

Maverick said nothing in response, allowing her to ratile on next to him.


45 Judgment That Goes

+25 Bonus

get any

once again

promised to make things official and to make up for all the things you owed me in the past Believe me. I didn’t do it on purpose,” she

repeated mention of the past caused

It seemed that Natasha had been jumping at every opportunity

was becoming further and further from the young girl

years. Could a person change so much in such a

of and also disgusted by

Tasha isn’t in high spirits

benevolent smile, she went over

smiling and discreetly. pinched the younger woman’s arm. “Lexpected nothing less from the daughter of a mistress! He’s already gone, so stop acting. It makes my

shot her a

Madelyn viciously

Mossey residence,

she put on a

Suddenly, her phone rang

“Thank you for tonight. If not

the bests are allowed to wear the clothes I make My First Snow fits you like a glove, as

Gwendolyn smuled

something seemed off about the gown before they left for the banquet. It was only after Gwendolyn made a call to MsZ


more rounded than hers, so she could not fit into the dress. Thanks to the alteration request she had made, Gwendolyn had the opportunity to get the

13:23 Mon, May

45 Judgment That

+25 Bonus

First Snow back.

treat you to a meal when you

Joaquin’s video of Gwendolyn dancing to “Lover.” Smirking, she replied, “There’s

cheap. We’ll revisit this topic when you can afford my hourly

groaned dramatically. Then, she aggrievedly complained about Gwendolyn’s heartlessness while also praising the latter’s

had not been in contact for a

next day, Gwendolyn woke up on time to get ready for work. She was in

the company building, she realized that the passing employees all looked at her with oddly

her, she did not take it seriously and headed

same floor saw her go in, they immediately huddled together and exchanged

said, “Say, could the rumors online be true? But our new director

retorted another employee, who had very thick makeup on. “I know she isn’t a good person. As for you, I doubt you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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