Chapter 63 No Ordinary Woman

Maverick didn’t speak, his face ashen as he looked at Natasha.

+25 Bonus

“Mave, listen…” Natasha tried helplessly to explain herself. “Please don’t overthink. It was just a casual conversation.”

Beads of sweat formed on Natasha’s forehead, as she wasn’t sure how much of her conversation with Eloise Maverick had heard. She decided to continue playing dumb.

“What are you guys up to?”

Maverick ignored her explanation. A hint of viciousness flickered in his eyes.

This gaze and his cold tone… Could it be that he heard everything?

Natasha’s right hand instinctively clenched the corner of the blanket.

“What are you talking about? I was just casually chatting with my friend. Don’t you trust me?”

Maverick paid no attention to Natasha’s seemingly innocent gaze. His sharp eyes pierced through hers. as he uttered, “You should know that even if you don’t tell me, I can still send someone to investigate. But by then, you won’t get a second chance.”

He gently stroked his wristwatch, his expression inscrutable. This only made Natasha even more


She realized she couldn’t escape Maverick’s interrogation about the conspiracy. She bit her lip, her eyes suddenly welling up with tears, and she began sobbing.

“Mave! It’s not fair! You and Gwendolyn are already divorced, yet you still care so much about her! I’ve barely even been to Bay Villa, let alone lived there! I can’t believe you transferred the villa to her name. She humiliated me during the Mossey Group banquet and even had someone beat me up this time. I almost lost my purity! Mave! I hate her. I really do! I just wanted to teach her a little lesson. What’s wrong with that?”

Natasha threw herself into Maverick’s arms and tried to act pitifully and get away with it, but he merely frowned and straightened her up.

“For the last time, where is Gwendolyn?”

Maverick frowned deeply. His tone was filled with unwavering determination that left no room for


“Mave, after all these years, am I not as important to you as that woman who has nothing to do with

fiancée! you anymore?” Natasha sobbed. Her tears flowed down her cheeks mercilessly. “I am your Why are you so cruel? She’s the one who caused me to lie in the hospital in pain. Do you seriously have the heart to see me suffer such injustice?”

Maverick, with a cold expression on his face, stood up. A subtle hint of exhaustion flashed through his dark eyes. It was barely noticeable to others.

you weren’t like this before.

the ward and left Natasha,


Mon, Ma


on the hospital

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quiet. Occasionally, nurses passed by, but their footsteps were

a deserted corner and took out his phone to

the location to

out of the city and took a shortcut to Mount


surveillance cameras and traffic lights so she could drive as fast

her car window. It brought

and was not in the

on the accelerator. The engine roared, and she took

phone rang. She glanced at the screen before pressing her Bluetooth earpiece in a fluid.

will be arriving soon, Ms. Shalders. Let me remind you. Turn right after exiting the tunnel. We will be waiting for you at the abandoned cabin halfway up Mount Gravel,”

glanced at the navigation

a fake license plate was parked at the foot of the mountain. Gwendolyn carefully compared. it to the picture Shadow Bell had

her Volkswagen Passat in a thicket and proceeded to climb the

hidden deep within the forest. From a distance, it looked pretty shabby. It was more

and forcefully pushed open the

“Wow, that was quick!”

thick black mask, making it impossible

his feet, covered in wounds and bruises.

injuries on Jennifer’s body, and a flash of

go, and

scanned around the room. Then, she pulled out a chair,

No Ordinary

+25 Bonus

him. He grabbed the unconscious. Jennifer and held a knife to her

you negotiate terms with me while your friend’s life is on the line? I can finish


“You wouldn’t dare.”

into his eyes fearlessly, putting him in a sudden


so delicate and fragile, yet she possessed composure as

The leader was perplexed.

the woods outside the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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