Chapter 78 No Change Since Before The Divorce

“You actually noticed it.”

+25 Bonus

The man hesitated for a moment, then took off the stethoscope hanging around his neck and swung his hand toward Noah, saying, “Well, I won’t pretend anymore. Someone wants you dead, and you won’t be leaving here alive today!”

Bearing the pain, Noah narrowly dodged his attack and performed a backward roll to create distance between them.

“Who sent you here?”

“Haven’t you already guessed who I work for?” the man said.

The man swiftly charged forward, engaging in a fierce struggle with Noah in the cramped room.

“You no longer hold any value, and your existence will only obstruct Ms. Mossey’s path. I advise you not to be ungrateful and just accept your fate!”

He gripped Noah with his strong right arm while raising his left hand high, aiming it at Noah’s neck.

“I don’t believe it! This can’t be possible! Ms. Mossey would never hurt me. Who sent you to frame her?”

Noah struggled intensely, bending his elbow and forcefully slamming it into the man’s chest.

The man could not dodge in time, and the syringe in his hand was knocked away. Seizing the opportunity, Noah quickly crouched down and picked up the syringe.

“All right, you punk. You’re still so arrogant even when you’re at death’s door! Hurry up and hand over the syringe! I’ll end your life right now!”

The assassin was thoroughly infuriated.

“Well, let’s see if you have what it takes Noah, clutching his wound that was bleeding due to his intense movement, charged head-on toward his opponent

Just as the two brushed past each other, Noah seized the opportunity and fiercely jabbed the needle into the man’s back, forcefully injecting the sedative side.

The man let out a muffled groan and collapsed limply

After doing all this. Noah slumped to the ground, gasping for breath. Once he had regained some strength, he did not hesitate and pushed open the door.

Regardless of whether what the assassin said was true or not, he had to first leave the Mossey residence.

dashed out like a madman, determined to find Natasha and ask her in person if what the fake doctor had said was

had led tum through the night before, he fumbled his way to the back door

eagerness to get an answer from Natasha, he completely

14:05 Mon, May 15

No Change Since

bear the pain and collapsed to

+25 Bonus

prop himself up with his arms, trying not to fall. However, his head felt

a woman in a red dress approaching

“Have you passed out?”

observing him closely.

tried to force himself to lift his head and see who

again, he found a woman standing

It was Gwendolyn.

“Y-You’re not dead?”.

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

intention of leaving. After dealing with

not know yet, but your Ms. Mossey has already been taken to the police station for committing several crimes. Meanwhile, you

Noah’s eyes. “It must be you who

happened, you should

not want to waste time

I end up in prison,

him in his ragged clothes. Then, she added, “But for

up at her, taking in how high and mighty she was acting. He could not help but

are you laughing

you haven’t changed at all. Just like before the divorce, you still only know how to cling to

of strength, he stopped smiling and added with an unusually harsh tone, “I thought that after escaping death

not bother to explain and

the matter.

14:05 Mon, May 15

No Change Since Before

+25 Bonus

think you can win Boss back? Let me tell you, it’s impossible! Boss would never


expressionlessly. “My patience has its limits. I’ll ask you one last time,

is Maverick?”

you! Never, even if I die! Don’t even think about finding Boss!” Then, Noah screamed hysterically, “When Boss comes back, he’ll definitely take revenge on you a thousand times over! He won’t let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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