Chapter 83 Did The Trainee Run Away

Samantha promptly replied to her and made arrangements.

A group of people chattered as they got into the car at the talent show base.


+25 Bonus

The lake’s surface shimmered with sparkling waves, rippling in the wind. The rustling of the leaves by the shore added a touch of charm to the peaceful lake area.

The talent show manager separated all the contestants into six teams for the competition.

One contestant, Charmaine Zacker, got on the boat and chose to sit behind a wealthy heiress.

Right after the referee blew the whistle, the two boats sped forward.

As none of the competitors had any prior experience with rowing, the small boat rocked and swayed precariously as they pushed forward. Their voices filled with a mixture of high-pitched screams and cheerful laughter.

Due to the lively atmosphere, the entire scene at the filming set seemed vibrant.

wind on the lake gradually picked up, and the already unstable small boats suddenly began to rock

more violently.

Suddenly, out of sight of the camera, there was a loud splash.

“Ah! Help!”

Nancy Forester, who was the wealthy heiress, had fallen into the water!

She flailed about in the water in a state of panic and shouted, “Somebody comedy

quick! I’m drowning!”

The others on the boat were caught off guard by her sudden fall and panicked, shouting for help from the people on shore.

Fortunately, the lifeguard was not far away, and upon hearing the cries for help, he immediately swam over and rescued Nancy, who was now drenched like a drowned rat.

At this point, the filming had been paused. Nancy wiped the water off her face. She was furious and started to curse loudly.

“What kind of film planning is this? What if something happened to me today? Can you afford to compensate me?”

The talent show manager hurried over to check on Nancy’s condition. After confirming several times that the latter was not seriously injured, she let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Nancy then turned her anger at the talent show manager, “Why did you have to organize this kind of outdoor activity? It’s because of this I made such a big fool of myself. Your management of the filming set is also negligent!”

The person in charge felt guilty and remained silent, allowing Nancy to vent her frustrations.

crowd was watching the spectacle and quickly typed to report that


14:06 Mon, May 15

Did The Trainee Run

+25 Bonus


accompanying photographer couldn’t the incident. Furthermore, with

won’t let this go easily! Just wait for

talent show manager and the person in charge exchanged glances, unsure

on as a

The talent show ‘manager’s expression was anxious. “If she really

can we do? Let’s contact

decisive decision and took out the phone to call

“An incident?”

the person in charge’s

that such an incident could happen easily. Don’t worry. You guys continue with the filming as usual.

charge took a deep breath to calm down and asked the trainees to quiet down amidst the murmurs. He then escorted them back to the training

plan new filming

aside her current work and decided to handle this

Joanne to arrange for the staff to conduct a thorough safety

“All right.”

hearing about the arrangements, Joanne didn’t leave immediately. Instead, she

head and asked,

who fell into the water has already posted about the incident,

her lips meaningfully. “Give me

understood internally after scanning the post and

Go and handle the task I just assigned you. Also, have someone retrieve all the videos from that

14:06 Mon, May 15


83 Did The

+25 Bonus

this time it was a filming accident, so she was still

continued, the company’s reputation would

too much. She had already made up her mind. When she knew that the drowning incident had occurred precisely in the blind spot of the camera, she became even


things happened in succession, with three contestants requesting to withdraw from the competition one after another. It was too much

this time, she decided to go in person to

she needed to take charge and assert her authority, or else more trouble could arise

news of Gwendolyn’s arrival at the filming location spread quickly. Most people were still looking forward to the director’s arrival, but Charmaine, who knew the purpose

so calm.

serious about investigating the incident,

call was connected,

able to cover incident. Let’s end our collaboration here. After all, you’ve


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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