Chapter 93 We Must Win The Bid

Gwendolyn smiled faintly. “You don’t need to know the reason. Just do as I say.”

The former boss didn’t say anything more, and both parties quickly completed the signing of the


Then, Gwendolyn arranged for Yulia from Shadow Bell to join the company, leading to major changes made in terms of the company’s overall strategy, employee planning, and management.

After that, she went back to the car and checked her phone for the latest news in the real estate industry.

To her surprise, she discovered that Wright Construction Group was temporarily being managed by Frida lately.

She couldn’t help but shake her head in amusement.

Although Frida used to be a top student in the Department of Finance at Avenport University when she was young, years of living a pampered life had long since worn away her business acumen, which had only ever been modest to begin with.

Nonetheless, having Frida temporarily manage Wright Construction Group could be considered a good thing for Gwendolyn.

If Maverick remained missing for a little longer, Frida and Sheralyn could effortlessly squander the Wright family’s wealth without Gwendolyn needing to lift a finger to help.

Nonetheless, she didn’t mind pulling a few tricks and giving them a gentle push.

With that in mind, she discreetly assigned Shadow Bell to investigate the recent investment trends of the Wright Construction Group.

It seemed Frida was particularly interested in a newly developed plot of land in the Western suburbs lately.

Thus, Gwendolyn, called Yulia.

“We need to come up with a solid business proposal for the plot of land in the Western suburbs. It’s


“Yes, Boss.”

Meanwhile, Frida was acting like a deputy CEO, enjoying the huge CEO’s office.


savored the intoxicating sensation of power coursing


soon, she thought it wouldn’t be the most terrible idea to enjoy a few more days basking in the

was approached by Yannis from the planning department,

the land attached at

the dossier, only to find that the list consisted of the names of a bunch of unknown small

companies possibly compete with

the entire piece of land, and I won’t settle for anything less. If you can’t even

was highly displeased with

drafting the proposal for the land bidding project. I can’t guarantee that we will secure this piece

Yannis finished speaking, she turned around and

to speak to me in that tone? Believe it or not, I can

wronged to be scolded that way. Just as she pushed the

overheard their entire

Samantha with an aggrieved look and left the office without looking

her. “Aunt Frida, there’s no need to argue with her. Even if you don’t like her, don’t let her go at this critical moment. If necessary, you can always fire her after the bidding event is

Samantha went to Frida and reached out to

of rest, the injury on her face had healed, but she would probably never forget the humiliation that she experienced that day at the ceremony

all else. Despite knowing that Samantha had been wronged, he was reluctant

only find her own way to take revenge by herself and

Samantha, she calmed down slightly and reached out

goodness for you! Otherwise, I would have been driven mad by these troublemakers. You must have learned a lot about business management during your studies abroad. I will definitely need your help and


a few things here and there. But don’t worry, Aunt

she assigned Samantha to a

the existing departments, which had always been a mess,

in her and entrusted her with the management

of the bidding event for the land in

Group to handle the company’s affairs while she attended the

pleasantries with the executives from other companies

also come

briefly scanning through all the companies that attended the event, Frida felt her confidence level skyrocket and had no doubts that she would

the two were about to enter,

saw a cool silver-grey Maybach pull

passenger door opened, and a woman stepped out, clad in a rose-colored,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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