Chapter 105 Never Remarrying In This Lifetime

Gwendolyn could not help but laugh when she heard that.

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“If it weren’t for me. Wright Construction Group might have been renamed to Lane Construction Group. Yet, you’re trying to provoke me instead of thanking me?”

“What do you mean?”

It was still no different from giving the Wright Construction Group to an outsider by having it given to


Frida was puzzled for a moment before she seemed to realize something. She softened her tone and asked. “Could it be that… you want to remarry my son?”

If Gwendolyn were to remarry Maverick, she would then still be considered a member of the Wright family, and with that. Wright Construction Group would naturally still belong to the Wright family.

Gwendolyn’s gaze gradually turned cold. She retorted, “It would be impossible for me to remarry. Not chance in this lifetime.” Her tone was stern as she replied, leaving no room for discussion about this


After all, Maverick did not deserve to have her hand in marriage again.

“So, what exactly are you trying to do?” Frida could not understand.

“Out of respect for Old Mr. Wright, I will not make changes to the company’s general policy, and I will keep the group’s name as Wright Construction Group. You could also buy back the Wright Construction. Group from me If you have the ability.”

“What are you trying to…”

Frida was at a loss for words even though she was cursing Gwendolyn to be struck by lightning just now. She never expected that Gwendolyn would do that much for Declan, despite Gwendolyn having already obtained Wright Construction Group.

Gwendolyn paid no attention to her surprised expression. She looked at Yulia, who was standing quietly at the side, and instructed, “Have someone to calm down the construction team who is causing a commotion. downstairs. Also, remove Samantha’s spies from all departments within two days.”

“All right.”

Yulia immediately headed off to make the arrangements.

Gwendolyn then looked around the CEO’s office before she instructed the bodyguard, “Throw away all the old things in this office and replace them with new ones, including the chairs and paintings. Don’t miss any single one.”

The bodyguards sprang into action right away. They began moving items under Frida’s astonished gaze.

The first thing that was getting thrown away was the chair that Frida was sitting on right under her buttocks.

Hence, Frida had no other choice but to stand.

Faced with the predicament of ending up with nothing in the future, she had to let go of her airs of being


+5 Bonus

105 Never Remarrying

mother-in-law. Frida spoke with a somewhat ingratiating

our past relationship as in-laws, could you please return the villa of the Wright family to me? You surely would not want to see Sheralyn and me live on the streets,

words with a gentle smile, Gwendolyn answered, “You can have it, of course, as long as you redeem

in a difficult position. “You knew all my money was taken by that scoundrel Samantha. Why would I have any

like that. However, I can offer you

Frida was perplexed.

she did not believe that Gwendolyn would really be so kind-hearted, she had

brought Frida out of Wright Construction

Frida felt even more

smile as she answered, “You’ll find

of the housekeepers in the entire villa, then had them stand in several rows at the garden’s

must have already heard the news about Wright

heads while exchanging glances with one another. Gwendolyn continued, “From now on, Frida and Sheralyn will no longer

spoken, the housekeepers

pale immediately. She scowled at

continued to give orders. “From now on, anyone who has ever been bullied by them can instruct them to do anything. If they cannot do the work according to the instructions, you may report them to me

from the crowd of

if she had to allow these lowly people to climb over

gone too

met her murderous glare. With a sneer, she uttered, “I can let both of you continue to live in the Wright residence, but you should

indeed. Frida did not have any words to retort


105 Never Remarrying In This

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humiliation to her!


that Frida would not back down

offended your maternal family. Since Lane Group failed their scheme this time, they must be holding a lot of grudges. If you go to seek refuge with your brother, Louis, do you think he might

lower lip and was rendered

do not have

be given the compensation you deserve. Once you’ve saved enough money, you can come to me

her fist so tightly that her

daughter were now penniless, Sheralyn would surely break

them in the future, Sheralyn would likely not be able to

How should I choose…


hand, Gwendolyn was not in a hurry. She gave Frida plenty of

right, I agree to

beam. She then turned to look at Hannah, who was the highest-ranking maid, and ordered, “Starting from today, you will be in charge of this villa. Remember, Frida and Sheralyn are no longer the owners of the villa, so you don’t need to fear them

was surprised by the honor. “All right, Ms. Shalders. From now on, you are

suddenly chimed with a text message notification. After taking a glance, the twinkle in her eyes grew even brighter. Without further ado, she turned

housekeepers shot angry glares

as she clarified, “Don’t just listen to anything she ordered. The land you’re standing on still belongs to


in the past, her words might have had some deterrent effect. However, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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