“H-How is this possible…”

Before Noah could finish speaking, his gaze fell on the evidence that Neville had placed in front of him. The evidence showed the incident at the Mossey residence, where Noah had encountered a killer disguised as a doctor.

Natasha was the one behind it? So she pretended to take me in but was secretly planning to kill me?

As realization dawned upon him, he couldn’t help but shed tears. The evidence that Nico and Neville had gathered was undoubtedly genuine, and Noah was well aware of that.

For that reason, he was extremely heartbroken. His heart was in so much pain that he felt like he was suffocating.

Natasha had been deceiving me for so long… How could she do this to me…

“I’m sorry. I’ve let Boss down and betrayed his trust. For that, I’ll accept whatever punishment that awaits me.”

Hearing Noah’s miserable wails, Nico sighed. “Tell me everything you’ve done for Natasha previously, and don’t get a single detail wrong.”


Nico listened as Noah recounted everything. Meanwhile, Neville was at the side, recording Noah’s every word with his laptop.

“That’s all. Ever since the hijacking incident, I’ve been put in jail by Gwendolyn’s subordinates.”

Neville handed the laptop over to Nico, who gave the contents one thorough look-through before closing the device and casting a slightly complicated gaze at Noah.

Nico began, “As friends who once fought side by side, this is the last time we meet you. Is there anything you’d like to say?”

Noah closed his eyes, feeling utterly devastated.

“I have nothing to say. I blame it all on my stupidity. Go ahead and do it.”

Hearing this, Nico instantly burst into laughter. “You thought Boss wanted to kill you? He’d much prefer you stay alive and repent.”

He then glanced at the time before instructing Neville, “Get two people to whip him a hundred times but keep him barely alive to be sent back to the prison. Also, tell the leaders of the two prison factions that whoever dares to treat him well in the future will be going against Boss.”


At that, Nico picked up the laptop and left the dilapidated house without looking back.

Before long, the sounds of a whip hitting one’s skin could be heard echoing from the house, mixed with the agonizing wails of a man. The noise was both spine-chilling and tragic.

The next day, Gwendolyn headed straight to work after finishing her breakfast.

Maverick did the dishes, then left the house after her.

Although he was no longer in charge of Wright Construction Group, he had the prestige that he’d developed from his years of managing the group. Coupled with the fact that he still had forty percent of the company’s shares in his hands, he remained a largely influential figure.

Besides, the only difference was that his office had been moved from the twenty-eighth floor to the twenty-third floor—a minor change in Maverick’s books, as it was merely superficial. On the other hand, if it was something Gwendolyn wanted, he would go all out to help her.

That said, it didn’t mean others shared the same sentiments as him.

During lunchtime, Andie and Branson knocked on the door to Maverick’s office.

The two smiled

gaze fell on them, though his tone remained icy-cold when he

glances. “We came to discuss something with you, Mr.

it’s something minor.” The man didn’t even bother lifting his head as

of their faces’ stiffened as they

to suppress us senior employees who have been with you for years. Moreover, Ms. Shalders is like a ghost. We can’t even look for her to raise our concerns. Now

paused for a moment but

upon noticing the man’s reaction. “The newly appointed Ms. Shalders seems to have no clue about

rested his hand on the table, drumming his

tell me what you’re

our full support. No, not just us but many senior employees are willing to follow your lead. Ms. Shalders may have five percent more shares than you do, but you’ve been in charge of the company for a long

responded, “Who are the people who are willing to lend me their support? Give me a name


his lips, his expression indecipherable. He did not respond

and indifferent temperament, so they took the silence as an agreement and obediently handed over a

like us, who’ve defended the company tirelessly, might be awarded some of

“We’ll let you get back to your work, Mr. Wright. Please let us know if there’s anything you need us to

merely hummed an

two men tactfully

list, a graceful figure, clad in a pair

out of the corner of his eyes and instinctively raised

was wearing a white figure-hugging dress. She leaned against the doorframe with her hands crossed in front of her chest, looking at him

a great view of the woman’s

“Why are you here?”

now, so can’t I come here? Or… did I come here at the wrong time and happened to hear something I

come to

mojor issue ond Ms. Sullivon if it’s something minor.” The mon didn’t even bother lifting

of their foces’ stiffened os they

been trying to suppress us senior employees who hove been with you for yeors. Moreover, Ms. Sholders is like o ghost. We con’t even look for her to roise our

poused for o moment but

noticing the mon’s reoction. “The newly oppointed Ms. Sholders seems to hove no clue obout the reol estote industry, nor does Ms. Sullivon seem

drumming his fingers on

to the point ond tell me whot you’re plonning to do,” he

employees ore willing to follow your leod. Ms. Sholders moy hove five percent more shores thon you do, but you’ve been in chorge of the compony for o long time. The chonces of you winning ogoinst her

of silence, Moverick finolly responded, “Who ore the people who ore willing

were pleosontly surprised. “So, does this

pursed his lips, his expression indecipheroble.

his quiet ond indifferent temperoment, so they took the silence os on ogreement ond obediently honded over o nome

like us, who’ve defended

get bock to your work, Mr. Wright. Pleose let us know if there’s onything you need

hummed on

two men toctfully closed the

looking ot the nome list, o groceful figure, clod in o

corner of his eyes ond

in front of her chest, looking ot him with

Moverick’s ongle, he hod o greot view of the womon’s exquisite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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