Over forty men dressed in black charged forward from both sides at the leader’s command.

Gwendolyn’s expression was solemn as she grasped Elven’s and Ezra’s hands and whispered, “I’ve already informed Treyton. Don’t risk your lives to fight them. I want both of you to stay alive!”

Just a moment ago, she had secretly sent a message using her phone while speaking to the assassins. She only needed to hold on for ten more minutes before Treyton’s men arrived.

Upon hearing this, Elven and Ezra became even more determined to protect her at all costs and attacked the approaching assassins brutally, showing no mercy.

The tight-fitting gown made it difficult for Gwendolyn to lift her legs.

She immediately tore off a small strip of fabric from the slit of her gown and quickly wrapped it around her right shoulder to stop the bleeding.

While she was doing this, an assassin suddenly charged at her.

She swiftly dodged to the side and kicked the man’s groin with her twelve-centimeter stilettos. His face turned pale from the pain, and Gwendolyn knocked him out by hitting the back of his neck before he could react.

With forty men against three, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Meanwhile, a fierce and bloody fight broke out in the cabin.

Nico and Neville were strong, but Samantha’s men were too. The chaos lasted for five minutes.

As Maverick thought of Samantha’s earlier words, his heart twisted in pain.

He couldn’t wait any longer. The longer he stayed here, the more danger Gwendolyn would be in.

“Nico, come with me to save Gwendolyn. Everyone, cover us and retreat!”

The scent of blood permeated the air on Crane Bridge.

Elven and Ezra had each snatched a machete from their opponents. Their gazes were filled with rage as they attacked relentlessly.

However, too many enemies were charging at them, one after another. Their strength was drained within just a few minutes, leaving them barely able to fend off the onslaught. Although the blades slashed their backs and legs, they simply gritted their teeth and withstood the pain.

Gwendolyn was already injured, so her strength depleted fast. A momentary lapse of concentration had her being slashed in her arm again.

Her fair and slender arm was stained with a long trail of blood. The pain caused her entire arm to tremble uncontrollably.

with her hand, bit her lower lip to endure the pain, and quickly

wounded and covered in blood, were still fighting back despite

this continues, we will die before

blood splattering everywhere,

a thousand-fold, even a million-fold,

stood on one of the stone pillars on Crane Bridge, her hair disheveled by


above, her pride and aloofness remained undiminished

those who want to kill me, but even if I have to die, I’ll

off the ten-meter-high

“Ms. Shalders! No!”

desperate scream was the last thing she heard before

in the water. The dim yellow glow from the streetlights on the bridge

she suddenly experienced an intense headache

as these flowers! Miss, why do you have a dad, but

is it? Who exactly

throbbed with unbearable pain. A blurry image of a young girl staring at


to struggle, so her body sank deeper into the lake due

going to

Her consciousness gradually faded.

completely, she felt someone grabbing her tightly before giving her oxygen through his mouth, thus pulling her back

the first thing she saw

you feeling

familiar, low, raspy voice rang in her

handsome face gradually came into focus

a hoarse voice, she called

speak for now. Your fever just subsided. Don’t hurt your

couldn’t bear to raise his voice at her as he scolded, “You’ve got to be kidding me. Winter is just around

pale lips curled into a faint smile, reassuring him. Then

but still replied softly, “They’re fine. Although they have many cuts, none of

was about

do you have so many questions? Wouldn’t

face turned pale, and she didn’t speak. Instead,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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