This meant that the money would not be given away just like that; it would be fully recovered eventually. They would only be temporarily keeping the money in their pockets for now.

Indeed, it was heart-wrenching.

The group of police officers, who had been indulging in fantasies of being showered with Gwendolyn’s money, instantly snapped out of their daydreams.

What a ruthless woman. We cannot afford to mess with her!

Shirley had intended to demand an exorbitant price for the Fruit of Prosperity from Gwendolyn. However, at this moment, she was utterly drained and couldn’t even recollect this matter.

Once she was done, Gwendolyn stretched out her hand and massaged her shoulder lazily.

Maverick noticed her movements and quickly stepped forward, carefully massaging her shoulders and neck with his slender hands.

Gwendolyn didn’t refuse and enjoyed his service as she turned her head to look at Charles and Matthew.

“Mr. Newton, Mr. Scott, the money has been paid. Can we leave now?”

Gwendolyn referred to him as “Mr. Newton” but not Charles.

Matthew didn’t hear Charles’ response and unconsciously shot him a glance.

He noticed that Charles was staring at Maverick giving Gwendolyn a shoulder massage, his pupils deep and focused, without uttering a word.

Matthew could only answer himself, “Yes, you and Mr. Wright are free to leave whenever you desire.”

Having received their permission, Gwendolyn left without looking back, with Maverick following closely behind her. The bodyguards also began to move after them.

That scene resembled a massive troop on the move.

As soon as they stepped out of the interrogation room, Shirley was heard shouting from behind. “Call an ambulance! Hurry!”

Samantha had passed out from the pain.

Gwendolyn curled her lips contentedly and walked away briskly.

After coming out of the police station, Gwendolyn dismissed the large group of bodyguards, leaving only William and Nico behind.

station. His captivating voice rang out. “Gwendolyn, it has been many years since

furrowed his brows, his dark eyes filled with

an annoyed

an aggrieved one the moment he noticed

eyelashes quivered

gave him the appearance of a pitiful little child longing for someone

he quietly rolled up his sleeves, revealing the swollen blood marks on his wrist.

Award for Best Actor-worthy techniques in changing his expressions,

had ever witnessed his own boss acting

frowning as well as

the center of attention,

are you trying to act pitiful

clenched her teeth secretly. Her eyes curved with a smile

saw that. Delighted, he lowered his head and brought his face closer instinctively, anticipating her

touched his cheek, her smile froze

him a stern lesson. “Another act again? How is it that you are so shameless? Seems like you need my help to manually thin out that thick

gasped in pain, his facial features contorted, but he didn’t dodge from her grasp. He allowed her to vent

William wore

drawing in

his lips tightly together, his deep blue orbs growing darker and

the onlookers, Gwendolyn finally let

bullied and realizing that his hope of being caressed by Gwendolyn was crushed, Maverick, whose dark eyes welled up with tears,

already pale enough, the pinched red spot on his left cheek was particularly noticeable. The

at Gwendolyn, accusing her

she glanced at Nico beside her. “Send him back to the

then, she headed

“Let’s go. What would you like to eat? I’ll

He even experienced a sense of dizziness. Whether it was his face, wrists, or heart, his entire

through despite the discomfort and followed behind Gwendolyn. “If you insist on having a meal with him, I suppose it’s not impossible either. I’m hungry too, and I believe Mr. Newton won’t mind,” Maverick

but his expression clearly showed

and glared at him coldly. “Since you insist on continuing

Maverick was left speechless.

was so pale that

attention to him whatsoever. She left with Charles without looking

far away,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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