Chapter 184 I Will Give You My Life

He had asked Swain to hurry back to the training facility and find Yohannes, but Swain had yet to return.
Maverick knew his own body, and he probably wouldn’t be able to hold on until Gwendolyn came home from dinner.

Is this really how I’m going to die?

He was unwilling to accept it, yet he was powerless to change it.

As of now, he did not even have the strength to write a farewell letter.

Earlier, that had been the first time Gwendolyn had hugged him since the divorce.

No, she wasn’t hugging me. She was only patting my head.

Charles was right. In the end, Gwendolyn saw Maverick as nothing more than a pet.

She no longer loved him.

As Maverick pondered on this, his consciousness gradually grew hazy, and there were black spots in his vision.


I’ll give you my life, Gwendolyn, but can you give me your love in return?

Resigned to his fate, he closed his eyes and let his arms hang limply at his sides. He looked serene.

All was tranquil around him.

Apart from the curtains rustling in the breeze, the only other noise in the room was the sound of blood dripping from his fingertips onto the floor, one drop at a time.

In the car, Gwendolyn suddenly felt a sharp, intense pain in her heart.

She pressed a hand to her chest, her delicate face turning pale from the pain.

Charles noticed that something was off with her and quickly asked, “Gwen, what’s wrong? Are you unwell?”

He leaned forward, wanting to help her.

Gwendolyn reached out to stop him. After taking a few deep breaths, she felt the pain gradually subside.

Why did I feel pain in my chest all of a sudden?

She had never had any heart-related illnesses, and the pain this time was inexplicably excruciating.

been sleeping well for the last couple

a faint, icy gleam flashed

her darkened gaze and continued to show his sympathy

Gwendolyn was not listening to him at

herself thinking about how pale and sickly Maverick had looked before she


he ask me all those odd questions, such as whether I’d remember him

a dying patient who could not accept

more Gwendolyn delved into her thoughts, the more uneasy

he had grabbed her by the wrist before she

that could be extremely detrimental to you. You must be cautious and on your guard around

hindsight, Maverick’s choice of words had seemed

the future” to exclude himself

about his trembling hands, his furrowed brows, the overwhelming sense of weakness that he couldn’t hide, and the way he had said, “If

shouted at Charles’


unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door. “Something urgent came up. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to the dinner tonight. Let’s do it


off when

the roadside. After getting out of Charles’ car,


move even after Gwendolyn left; it simply stayed in the same

mirror and watched as Gwendolyn frantically ran back to Bay Villa. At that moment, his expression

just left Bay Villa when Nico once again confidently entered

emerged from the

month’s worth of salary from me the last time. Today, I’m going to win it all

cold and serious. “I’m not here to

other two

thuds sounded through the air, and the three men immediately felt a sharp pain in the back of their necks. In an instant, their eyes rolled back into their heads,

motionless figures on the ground impassively. As it turned out,

tranquilizer gun and stepped out from the shadows. “Nico, we can’t just leave them

at the three unconscious men on the ground, cupped

sound or movement within the villa, nor was there any sign

sensed that something was off. “Never mind. Let’s go and check

kick it down, but he was worried he would not be able to explain himself to Gwendolyn after this. In the end, he and Swain climbed

find Maverick lying on the chaise lounge. The pool of crimson blood on the floor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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