The two of them, one leading and the other following, arrived at a secluded corner near the villa’s back door.

“Why do you have such a solemn expression on, Mr. Wright? What do you want to talk about?” asked Justin.

“There’s no need for pretense in front of me. I know you have ulterior motives for being by Gwendolyn’s side.”

Instantly, a wicked grin spread across Justin’s face.

“Since you’ve realized it, my apologies!”

He covertly reached for a small knife at his waist, swiftly aiming to stab Maverick’s throat.

Maverick skillfully took a half-step back.

Within three swift moves, he had Justin subdued.

Justin’s hands were forcefully restrained behind his back, causing him to fear that his arms would be dislocated. The pain was so excruciating that his complexion grew pale.

“Just kill me. I won’t be able to fulfill the assigned mission anyway. Sooner or later, I will meet my demise,” he uttered.

Maverick chuckled softly and released him, saying, “Why would I want to kill you? I am here simply to have a conversation with you. I have no interest in you or your life.”

Justin couldn’t understand the man’s intentions.

“Don’t you truly love Ms. Shalders? I was sent here to harm her. Now that you have exposed my true identity, why aren’t you making a move?” he asked in puzzlement.

Maverick gazed at the man with deep, intense eyes and remarked, “You have feelings for her, don’t you?”

Instantly, Justin’s face flushed crimson.

“N-No… How could I!”

Maverick had always been astute in discerning a man’s intentions.

Ever since he realized his love for Gwendolyn, he discovered a newfound ability to perceive, from a man’s gaze, whether or not they harbored feelings for her.

“You must have feelings for her. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have concealed your intentions for such a long time without taking action. There’s no need to hide it any longer. Tell me your plan, and perhaps I can assist you in resolving the matter,” Maverick proposed.

Justin locked gazes with Maverick, finding himself strangely drawn to the man’s aura.

He recognized that Maverick was no ordinary individual, and it appeared that discussing a solution with him was the only viable course of action.

There was nothing Justin could do but take the leap of faith and trust Maverick this once.

Justin began to say, “Three days later in the evening, they want me to lure Ms. Shalders to an abandoned warehouse in the eastern suburbs. This time, they have arranged numerous ambushes, and the mysterious man in black whom Ms. Shalders has been investigating will also make an appearance. If

for me, and I cannot bear to cause her harm. However,

his dark

will handle it. I will keep this

Justin was taken aback. “So,

gleamed. “I shall undertake

afternoon, Maverick refrained from

entire villa, ensuring that every chore

for Gwendolyn to finish her work, he made his way to the kitchen and commenced the preparation of their

were dwindling, and he yearned to present her with an

wouldn’t miss his presence, perhaps her stomach would retain memories

thought in mind, a faint smile

rang, indicating an incoming

text from Nico, containing

smile suddenly froze, and

indicating an urgent matter

still forty minutes before Gwendolyn finished work,

anxiously along the roadside, anticipating his

vehicle, Nico

a hushed tone, he whispered into Maverick’s ear, “Boss, someone from Salinsburgh has

Maverick’s brow furrowed.

did this have to happen precisely at this

visage retained its solemnity as he ignited the car’s engine and directed it toward the designated

the way with Nico closely following behind, both

entry, Gwendolyn received a call

the man’s

did he go? Did you see anyone else inside? What were they

close enough to see. There are guards stationed within a fifty-meter radius of the hidden

into a brief

Maverick go to the construction site all of a sudden, and who is he

presence of guards only confirmed

understand. I’ll go over and take

Nico ventured into


arrival. His face lit

“Greetings, Mr. Wright.”

chilling intensity as he questioned, “What’s the

put on a solemn expression as he earnestly explained, “There’s turmoil in the family. We need your immediate presence to

Immediately? Why such haste?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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