Chapter 202 Conversation Killer

It was Maverick’s voice.

Although Gwendolyn first heaved a sigh of relief, it was soon replaced by anger. “Why didn’t you answer the phone?”

The man’s tone was tinged with sleepiness and fatigue as he replied, “I was asleep. It’s already so late. Why haven’t you turned in? Did something happen?”

“Nothing. I couldn’t sleep.”

“Do you want me to keep you company?”

“Mm,” Gwendolyn responded softly. When she recalled the dream she had earlier, she reprimanded him sternly, “I’m reminding you again. You’re not allowed to go anywhere for two days. Also, keep your phone ringer volume at the highest! You must answer my calls no matter what!”

On the other end of the line, Maverick was silent for a moment before replying faintly, “Okay. Are you feeling sleepy now?”

“I’m not tired.”

“Shall I tell you a story?”


“Then, are you hungry? You can give me your address, and I’ll get something delivered to you.”

“I’m not hungry.”

Maverick was speechless. She’s truly a conversation killer. How am I supposed to keep the flow going?

Unable to sleep, Gwendolyn settled for Maverick telling her a story in the end.

Maverick regaled her with the jokes he had found online.

He was not good at telling jokes, and there were a lot of awkward silences. Hypnotized by his voice, Gwendolyn gradually drifted off to sleep before she knew it.

The next day, Gwendolyn proceeded to carry out her affairs with the order they had settled upon.

Hector stayed at Hecalion Estate for the entire day and never left.

Gwendolyn saw that it was getting late, she began to feel impatient and sent Treyton to lure

hour, Hector came out with Treyton. However, he had just exited the villa’s doors when he was suddenly knocked

legs bound to a chair. His mouth was bound, and a

surroundings were enclosed and dim. It looked as if he were in


thrown open, he saw a woman enter and walk toward him. Her makeup was exquisite,

the woman. Her sudden appearance had also made him cease to

We’ve not met for so many years, and surely

front of Hector and sat down on the chair opposite. After sitting down,

tape that was keeping Hector’s

some strands of his mustache came off with

uncle! How dare you use Treyton to

Anyway, I

affairs and enjoyed being an idle person. What is it that I’ve supposedly

will clear things up

the man to put down Charles’ confession

trying to make things difficult for you. Why don’t you take a look

he saw the confession Elven had placed in

you were young. I’d even carried you before. Do you remember? Moreover, Charles is the director of

Bureau of Investigation. I wonder if this

He has nothing to do with

you mean by it has nothing to do with him? Charles already confessed everything. Do you think you

stared at her solemnly, refusing

against tradition and leaving the inheritance to me, his beloved youngest daughter. Hence, you joined hands with someone and plotted to kill me. You were planning to take over the

on, not relenting in

calmed down when she got to the

at straws. Don’t you think it’s absurd that you want to

expected him to

They tried to ruin my face

glass bottle and a special synthetic brush, Elven placed them on the

“What’s this?” Hector asked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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