Chapter 2716

"Is Miss Morrison's boyfriend just bidding randomly?' "That's so rude of him!"

Hearing the sarcastic remarks from Bucky and Aurelia, the crowd was taken aback.

They already learned that Leon was a lowly vice president and it seemed unlikely that he could afford to pay 5 million.

Since Leon participated in the bidding, he should follow the rules and not bid over his budget.

If Leon failed to produce 50 million, this would break the rule and everyone would feel fooled.

act, making Leon as despicable

few powerful figures in the crowd and they all looked

by Aurelia and Bucky, they all turned

them all happened in the

Who told you that Mister Wolf can't afford it? Mister Grimston, you've underestimated Mister Wolf." Just then, a

man in his mid-twenties, dressed in expensive clothing, strode out of the

of the Rathbournes, Arron. He always enjoyed collecting

rock gambling area drew his attention as well, so

and raised the price to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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