Chapter 3079

"What a terrifying technique!"

Clarence and Ezra were horrified by the powers of the Double Dragon Fist.

They immediately retreated backward, trying to avoid the attack.

Mason was too powerful.

Not to mention the fact that a technique could enhance one's attack powers.

No matter how they retreated, they could not avoid the attack range of the Double Dragon Fist! Of course, they were not going to just sit and take the attack.

In the nick of time, they had to brace themselves and throw an attack forward to try to counter Mason's attack.

Slam! Their attacks crashed together.

Mason's Double Dragon Fist punched through Clarence's and Ezra's attacks and hit them! They flew away like a kite with a broken string before landing heavily on the ground.

falling to the ground, Clarence and Ezra


wretchedly slumped to

were so seriously injured that they could no longer get back

time, Caden and the other fighters gathered one more attack to throw at Mason! Mason

crouched down on the ground

seem messy, but he avoided their

up and glared at

turn! Take

Mason harrumphed.

another Double Dragon Fist

two fire dragons immediately sprang forth and pounced on the

"No! "

“Everyone, hide!"

They were terrified.

their best to hide to avoid

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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