Chapter 3127

“Haha! I've finally attained the Saint State! Now it's time for you to die, you old git!"

A glimmer of malice flashed through Leon's eyes.

When he fixated his gaze on Wulfric's face, it sent a shudder down Wulfric's entire body, for Leon's eyes were like two pits of deep, dark, sinister hatred.

"How cocky of you to say that, you twat! So what if you attained the Saint State? You haven't even got time to harness your powers yet, so you're no match for me! Take this!"

Wulfric scoffed, taking no notice of Leon's threats at all.

Then, without another moment's hesitation, he sent a powerful surge of energy pummeling Leon's way, intending to destroy Leon while his defenses were low! “He's right.

So what if he's attained the Saint State? He can't even control his powers properly," the rest of the Chanters all agreed, and felt rather relieved by this.

The glimmer of hope that ignited briefly within Pierre, Zach, and the rest was immediately doused after hearing the Chanters' words.

new power level, and as

his ground against someone as powerful as Wulfric! Besides, even Pierre himself fell victim to Wulfric, and there was no evidence to suggest that Leon would not

urn in despair, fearing

what happened next was beyond any of their wildest imagination! “Wrong

nat hat so much as an

his cloak, he sent a powerful

Leon and Wulfric's attacks collided

Golden Core Phase to

powers, and with the additional protection of the Mirror of Sovereign, he was now far more powerful

ture hrough Wulfric's defenses and struck him squarely in the middle of his chest, sending him soaring through the

through Wulfric's chest upon his landing, and he bent forward to spit

He was severely wounded.

“What? How's this possible?"

could believe their

Leon was no match for Wulfric, and nota single peron believed there was any chance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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