Chapter 250

Gordon and his men had fearful looks on their faces as they hurriedly reported everything that happened.

“Who’s that guy? Could it be one of the Shears‘ bodyguards?!” The man said coldly. He had a very vicious. aura around him. It was completely different from how he acted earlier.

“That… I don’t know…” Gordon said anxiously.

“What’s his level at? Is he in the intermediate Innate State, or the advanced Innate State? Someone young who’s as strong as he is shouldn’t be anyone unknown!” The young man asked.

He knew that Gordon was in the intermediate Innate State, and Gordon even had four subordinates who were in the advanced Acquired State.

If their opponent was not at the intermediate Innate State or above, there was no way he could have defeated Gordon and his men.

“He’s not, he’s only at the initial Innate State, and is just a little away from intermediate,” Gordon answered truthfully.

Innate State?!” The man was furious. He raised his hand and


back, rolling on the ground a few times before he spat out

have lost to an initial Innate State martial artist with your skills? What are you doing?!” The young

was pale as he climbed on the ground before he slowly knelt in front of the man,

weren’t so loyal, I would have had

reason to punish Gordon and his men any further, so he decisively ordered, “Take a few days to look into that brat’s identity! I don’t care who he is.

and his men hurriedly acknowledged the order before they got up and left.

home to get some of


matter with the medicinal materials, so he needed to gather a lot of morning dew with spiritual energy after that to

mountain behind Iris’s home was limited, and it was unable to fulfill his needs,

noticed that the spiritual energy on the top of Mistcloud Mountain was incredibly dense and pure when he went

into morning dew, he should at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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