Chapter 304

“So, I might not be able to focus solely on the pills just yet…” Leon said hesitantly.

He did not want to leave Elegante Group mainly because of Iris. Though he wanted to run a business on his

Iris still meant more to him than his career.


“Um…” Benedict and the Shear siblings were all taken by surprise when he heard Leon’s request.

Leon was officially the head of the pharmaceutical firm with his possession of sixty percent of the share and instead of gloating about the position, he preferred to work as a secretary.

though. I have some effective formulas that I can hand over to the company for mass production. As far as the alchemical pills the

those formulas, that would be the best!” Benedict was overjoyed. Knowing how talented Leon was, he knew that the formulas Leon provided would

could stand aside and allow the factory to proceed with

in regard to operation and management, then! You just need to



the new company would need a name. Any suggestions?” Benedict asked.

Leon was the chairman of the company,

not come up with

it Cynthion

Harvey and Benedict shot her

and said sheepishly, “Leon’s the chairman and I’m the president.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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