Chapter 478


“Mister Wolf, excuse my crudeness, but I hear from Snow and Fane that you have already attained the Peak Innate State. Judging by how young you are, the only explanation as to how you could’ve achieved that is must’ve learned your skills from someone far more powerful. Can I know who that is?” Vincent asked, determined to get to the bottom of this.

“Um,” A sheepish look crossed Leon’s face. He could never reveal the truth to Vincent, especially not since it was the biggest secret he had to keep..

Snow could tell how reluctant Leon was to answer this and thus quickly came to his rescue. “Father, why are you asking so many questions? Are you interviewing him?”

“Um, I guess you’re right. It was inappropriate of me to do so.Vincent smiled, but the truth was, he was feeling a little displeased by this.

Leon was their guest, and usually, he did not like placing his guests in such awkward positions, but this was different.

Fane boasted to him about Leon’s talent and powers the night before and even added that Leon and Snow appeared to be great matches for each other. This struck Vincent with exactly the right nerve; even since Snow experienced her first heartbreak, he was concerned about her future.

smart and capable man and would suit Snow perfectly. However, before this, he had to get to the bottom of

more information about

lunch for our


a sudden, frantic footsteps rang out, and an old man dressed as a butler stormed into the room in a

the panicked look on the

happened. Missus Poole has collapsed.” the butler

this that he

Fane were equally as astounded and

Hendrix, please contact Doctor Chase immediately. I’ll go check on

The butler turned and scampered

toward the backyard. Leon hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed behind them, intending to see what was going on. After all, he possessed simple knowledge about medicine, so perhaps he would be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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