Chapter 512

Cynthia roared, but was interrupted by Leon before she could finish her sentence.

“Cynthia, don’t worry. He’s just at the Intermediate Innate State. I’m not even worried!” Leon said.

“How arrogant! If you have a death wish, I’ll let you have it! Take this!” Provoked by Leon’s contempt, Leonard launched a strong punch at Leon’s face.

“You’re the one with a death wish!” Leon snorted, ignoring his punch and striking Leonard’s chest instead.

“Leon, you idiot! Dodge!” Cynthia’s eyes widened as her heart sank.

the same level as Leonard and Leon’s refusal to dodge the punch was a suicide attempt to defeat Leonard by risking his life. At that very moment, she realized that perhaps Leon knew he

but under the effect of Jimsonweed, she could not move at all and could


stopped right before hitting its target as Leon’s fist landed on his chest

before slamming onto the ground. The piercing pain in his chest informed him that

not expecting Leon to impose such severe damage on Leonard with ease.

what he was capable of and did not imagine that

defeat him, who was at the Intermediate Innate State, it meant that Leon

could reach such a level and Leonard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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