The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 548

However, it was different from Cynthia. She always had a sheltered life. Other than the ambush at that time,

her life was always smooth.

She went through a lot in Seacove City in just a few days. It was very exciting. It made her excited just thinking about it.

More importantly, she was with Leon every day, and she felt incredibly happy and content.

She hoped that the happiness she felt could go on forever!

At Shear Mansion in Springfield City, Harvey immediately rushed back home when he heard that Leon and Cynthia were back from Seacove City.

He ran into the two of them in the living room.

“Mister Wolf, you’re back with Cynthia. How was the trip to Seacove City? Did you get what you

Harvey asked impatiently.

everything,” Leon nodded, taking out the

you planning on refining the


promised him that, as long as they managed to find a component more than five hundred years old, Leon would refine


better!” Leon said with

refine a Pure Energy Pill, but he could also make Foundation Pills as well. Then, he would be


the first true hurdle in the sage arts. If

as excited as Harvey was!

prepare them. As long as I have all of them, I

it to Harvey.

get it

with the

After that, he went up the mountain

recovered as time passed. It was very suitable for making pills.

took out the wild Panax, cutting it into three before he

Pill did not need so much of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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