Chapter 587

However, what’s most important was that Ruth was a girl; if she was a boy and could thus inherit the family

name, he would not even care about Leon’s alchemy skills at all!

Alchemy was just a useful complement, but could not overcome the importance of nurturing good martial arts!

“Come back, Ruth,” said George, gesturing for Ruth to return to their side.

“Wait a minute, Grandpa. I still have something to do,” she replied calmly.

“What is it?” George froze at this.

just as stunned, and all turned to stare at

Leon Wolf!” Ruth

me?” Leon was utterly shocked by this. He thought this battle was already over, but he never

so now, I will

in exchange for his collaboration, yet he turned her down

ignorance. She would.

outraged by Leon’s rejection, but he refrained from trying to retaliate out of consideration that he was a sensible man and the fact that Leon had plenty

to defeat him, this would not be such a bad thing. This would even be the perfect opportunity to teach Leon and Cynthion

the same

want to collaborate with, and I didn’t do so just to humiliate your family in public. Did you expect me to take it, even when it wasn’t what I desired in the first place?”

If you have the balls, you’d come to fight me. If you win, I can pretend as though none of that happened, but

accept!” Leon scoffed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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