Chapter 604

Quinton stood out of the crowd. Only ten Pure Energy Pills were being sold in the sales drive and after Harvey took one, there were nine left, costing 49 million in total.

Quinton purchased the Panax with 45 million, which did not have much use to him, so 49 million meant nothing to him at all.

“The Hunts are taking all of them? No way!”

“I’m against this!

“We won’t agree to this!”

the Pure Energy Pills could do, they all wanted the pills for

I’m sorry, but since the supply is limited, each family is only

and I hope that you can make an exception. I don’t need too many, but at least three or four

the Pure Energy Pill any longer, but there were plenty of people who

sales drive like Cynthion Group and he would need three to four Pure Energy Pills at the very least to increase the Hunts‘

Leon said as he realized what Quintons

the representative of Cynthion Group in Sea cove City and selling

would’ve never been able to make these pills without the Panax you gave me, Mister Hunt. I’ll give you these three Pure Energy Pills as gifts as a gesture of gratitude!” Leon picked

and that Panax was the repayment for that.” Shocked,

Hunt. Just accept it. Leon just means well,”

“But-” Quinton hesitated.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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