Chapter 609


Following a deafening noise, the man in the demon mask stood still and Hans was sent flying by the wave of true energy radiating off of his opponent.

Hans managed to land on his feet but backed away a few steps under the impact.

Another man at the Peak Supreme State sent a wave of true energy to block the aftermath of the true energy from the man in the mask; still, Hans paled as he felt his blood boil.

State!” Sensing the true strength of the man in

was the level above the Supreme State. As the second milestone of the

Supreme Master; and for martial artists at the Peak Supreme State, it would take up to ten years of

the Overlord State was a level that even the older generation of martial artists struggled

gray area between the Peak Supreme State

the Peak Supreme State and referred to those who reached the very top of the Peak Supreme State who had to come across the chance


State and a martial artist at the Overlord State would have been

was precisely how formidable

at the Semi Overlord State!!” Quinton and his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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