Chapter 683


With a loud slam, a shocking scene materialized before their eyes–the one who fell was not Leon at all, but



A loud crack echoed through the woods as Daniel’s entire arm snapped in half, and with a howl of pain, his entire body was propelled outwards from the impact of Leon’s attack.

“Eat it!” Leon leaped into the air as he launched a second attack, this time direction it straight towards

Daniel’s chest.

hurting Snow, and

was horrified by this. Thankfully, he was close to attaining the Peak Supreme State, so he was able to dodge Leon’s attack at the last minute, evading any life–threatening injury. Despite this, however, he still caught a remaining blow from Leon’s attack squarely in

of blood, his body slamming hard against the tree behind him and falling onto the ground in a

as the tree that Daniel hit lost its footing and collapsed, bringing up a

Both Morgan and

same; Neither of them ever imagined that not

injure him

This was unbelievable!

Supreme State,

a hidden power within him out of desperation, but either way, he barely escaped out of pure

and Johnny exchanged glances.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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