Chapter 695

“Morgan has reached the Peak Supreme State a few years ago, and both Johnny and Daniel are in the Advanced Supreme State,” Brad continued.

The Fields and the Shears ere enemies for years, so Brad knew all the major members of the Fields like the back of his hand.

“A martial artist in the Peak Supreme State along with two other men in the Advanced Supreme State? What a coincidence! Did those three attack Leon and my daughter?” Vincent’s expression darkened.

Snow described the power levels of the attackers and it matched with the three members of Fields who disappeared during the time of the attack. However, he assumed that Leon risked his life and barely escaped, so he was confused as to why the attackers were injured.

possible, right? If Morgan and the other two did this,

in the Peak Supreme State along with two other men in the Advanced Supreme State, but he knew that the three Fields mentioned were far stronger than

own, he could not have escaped, let alone injuring them.

I’m sure that’s them if they are all injured!”

Are you saying that you are the one who

and Vincent were

I injured

even at their level. How did

especially shocked. He thought that Snow told him Leon defeated them was merely something that she made up, and did not expect it to be true.

Pill, Leon hesitated and simply repeated what Snow said earlier. “I guess I

shot one another a confused look.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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