Chapter 727

“As for salary, I can offer you forty–five thousand a year without counting other incentives and benefits!”

“What? Forty–five thousand? Leon, are you joking? When did you start your own company? I didn’t even know about it!” Janice gasped in shock.

“It’s kind of a long story. I will tell you all about it later. You just need to trust me!”

numerous occasions back in

the ones who had helped him in the past. Offering Janice a job with forty–five annual income was partially his effort in repaying her, but was also done out of consideration for Cynthia, who often had

love to make Janice someone who could be of assistance to Cynthia. It was an

a witness to countless of Leon’s

Addice, too. Leon, can

been caring toward her and Janice knew that Ava was a talented individual. Since Leon was running his own

Acme Group and Westpraise Group, causing Ava to take a slap to the face, he decided that he owed it to

to work at my company as well with the same offer as Janice of forty–five thousand a year!” Leon said.

stuck on the sight of Leon on his motorcycle and she found it extremely hard to believe that he had the ability

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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