The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 974

Wait, did Leon Wolf just defeat Jackson?”

“How’s this possible?”

Everyone watching, including the Youngs, Harold and the rest of the Lowes, and even Ruth were utterly stunned by this!

None of them ever thought, not even in their wildest dreams, that a Semi Overlord like Jackson would lose to Leon, not to mention get injured so severely by Leon’s attack!

One could only imagine the shock!

The entire place seemed to fall silent.

Pin drop silence.

he was far less

distracted, which was why his attack managed to catch him off guard and


for all before Leon even

I knew you would try to ambush me!” Leon was outraged when he felt Harold’s attack surging his way. The last time he met Harold at the Young Mansion, Harold attacked him while he was not looking and broke his arm. Leon was

happened before, he was far more prepared now and immediately darted backward to dodge Harold before he could

can’t match up against what’s more powerful than you!” Harold sneered as he rained punches down on Leon as

fight against someone younger than him?” Ruth was outraged by this. She was

Northern King has taken him on! Leon Wolf is

Leon got lucky against Jackson, but since Harold was far more powerful than Jackson and already attained the Overlord State, no matter how hard Leon tried, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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