Chapter 980

Harold gasped in horror, not at all expecting that Leon would have prepared a secret weapon against him.

His attack froze in its track momentarily as he shifted his energy to protecting himself against Leon’s needles, but it was too late. the last of Harold’s channeled energy still managed to catch Leon and struck him squarely in his chest.

Leon spat out a mouthful of blood as his lean body was sent propelling into the air, finally landing in a crumpled heap a few meters away from where he stood.

Then, an excruciating pain shot through his entire body. It seemed that at least three or four of his ribs were broken, and it was clear he suffered other substantial injuries.

However, fortunately, his needles momentarily distracted Harold, and if he met Harold’s attack head–on, he would have been crippled or even dead by now!

“Take this, you twat!” Harold cackled. Leon was always his enemy, and thus he could not hesitate when it came to destroying Leon once and for all!

another surge of energy blasting Leon’s way, heading. straight toward the crown of his

energy zip straight toward him. He wanted to dodge, but he was no match for Harold at all, and he knew that no matter how hard he tried,

better retreat while you still can!” All


sprung into action the moment Harold attempted to seize Ruth, and seeing that Harold was about to kill Leon, George materialized before



toward him.

Harold gasped in horror as he quickly retreated backward, but it was too late–George’s powerful attack landed squarely in the middle of his chest.

a mouthful of blood as his body was propelled backward like

were broken in this process, and his condition was far

King right this instant!” George gritted his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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