The Ex-Husband’s Revenge By Dragonsky Chapter 1721

“Damn it!” Wade’s expression darkened.

He wished to join forces with the other Libertons to defeat Leon, only for Leon to divide the group with ease with just a few daggers.

On top of that, Leon possessed a defensive tool and Wade knew that he could not win against Leon; however, he assumed that Leon’s true power fell short and could not compare to his in terms of speed and explosive power, so he could simply utilize his superior speed and Leon could not be able to catch up to him.

Wade instantly withdrew his attack and backed away from Leon as he plotted to regroup with the others to launch another attack, only to be stunned by what happened next.

“Stay down!” Leon scoffed and darted toward Wade, before landing a blow at his shoulder.


sound of bones cracking, Wade grunted in pain

pain radiated throughout his body from his shoulder. He was fortunate enough to avoid

sprawled across the ground and

Leon to be far superior in terms of speed, leaving him

he could not begin to fantom how Leon managed such a thing.

Semi–Emperor State and surpassed him in both speed and power,

not stop and launched two Double Attacks at once with both his palms at the remaining Liberton martial

combine our energy to fend this off!”

terrified as they realized that they were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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